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Do you know the snail syndrome? Your children could be suffering from it

Do you know the snail syndrome?: Your children could be suffering from it

Going from childhood to adolescence almost always brings some changes, where the appearance of a bit of rebelliousness and isolation is shown. But, when this goes from being mild and the confinement in the room becomes an escape, it is known as the snail syndrome.

This conflict mainly affects young people, although it can extend to adulthood, and is currently a major problem worldwide. The technology in this case is counterproductive, making those affected enjoy their self-confinement more.

If you have noticed that your child or a family member avoids social contact, and only wants to be at home or in their room, you could have a snail child. Here we tell you everything you need to know about this problem and how to solve it.

Is the snail syndrome the same as Agoraphobia?

Is snail syndrome the same as agoraphobia?

There are those who often confuse these two disorders, but they are different problems, although they have some similar characteristics. Agoraphobia consists of a strong fear of places or open spaces, which leads to seclusion at home and isolation.

This phobia is linked to episodes of anxiety and those who suffer from it avoid contact with people or crowds in an extreme way, and it is very difficult for them to leave their safety area.

In the case of the snail syndrome, everything starts with a little more simplicity and gets worse.

The problem can appear at any stage of life, but is more common in childhood and adolescence , and consists of a rejection of social interaction. This makes the individual not want to leave the house, or carry out activities that involve external contact.

In most cases they are confined to their room and only use the house when necessary. They surround themselves with virtual interaction, such as television, social networks, video games, among others. Although they go to places like school, their longing is to return.

The problem reaches a point where it becomes more acute, and the affected person even begins to allude to family contact, and devises strategies to avoid leaving the house at all costs. This is not moved by panic or fear, but by the rejection of social contact.

What causes this syndrome?

It cannot be attributed to an exact cause, but several factors have been appreciated that are some of the main responsible for the appearance of this problem. Snail syndrome is often linked to the following. 

Addiction to technological interaction

It has been shown that the internet, social networks and video games can become addictive activities, especially for youth.

Many boys develop a strong dependency on virtual contact, while rejecting social contact.

Today, children come into contact with technology from an early age, and parents sometimes abuse it as a means of entertainment for their children. As they grow linked to this interaction, it is very possible that addiction is created.

relationship problems

Many boys find it difficult to relate and generate successful affective ties, therefore, they tend to isolate themselves and come to find satisfaction in avoiding social contact.

On the other hand, it can also become an outlet to protect yourself from bullying.

When children notice hostility in the environment, whether inside or outside the home, creating a haven to disconnect can be a protective measure. This leads them to take isolation as a practical way out of the problem.

effects of quarantine

Although it is true that this syndrome already existed before the pandemic, isolation increased its appearance in many other parts of the world. Social distancing caused many to take a liking to being confined at home.

Even today, when many of the restrictions have been lifted, there are those who have lost all interest in social contact or recreation. And others are affected by the fear of possible infections or relapses and prefer to keep locked up.

How do I identify if someone has the syndrome?

How do I identify if someone has snail syndrome?

Some characteristics are nothing strange or special, they may just be signs that someone is a little withdrawn. But if on the contrary, you observe an excess in the following points, it is time to take action on the matter.

  • Little or no social interaction: It occurs when the individual alludes to conversations, does not go out to meet anyone, does not have friends, or tries to relate.

  • Change of mood: Suddenly, they begin to act in a hostile way, they are easily irritated, everything makes them uncomfortable or they do not have the mood to do anything.

  • A lot of virtual interaction: He is constantly fixed on his cell phone, he spends many hours in front of the television watching programs, movies or playing games, he stays awake and is uncomfortable when he is forced to pause or turn off his equipment.

  • Reject good food: Put aside healthy food and prefers junk food, candy and sodas.

  • Refuses company: He forbids everyone in the house to enter his room and tries his best not to be part of any family gatherings.

How do I deal with snail syndrome?

When a person has been dealing with this problem for years, it is quite difficult to treat it, especially if it has already reached an acute level, where access to the individual is very difficult. In this case, many doses of therapy and possibly the application of drugs will be required.

For this reason, the most recommended is the preventive method, which is based on identifying the problem at its inception and correcting it. Some techniques that parents should apply are the following.

Avoid a routine life

They must promote a comprehensive upbringing, where there is time for study, leisure, and contact with nature and sports.

Family outings should be scheduled where these social exchanges exist, and children should be taught to carry out different activities.

Limit your use of technology

It is not healthy for a child to have contact from an early age with devices such as phones, tablets or video games.

Once he is the correct age, he should be assigned a schedule for his use and leisure time, alternating it with other activities.

eat as a family

This habit should be done as many times as possible, that helps them to talk about their day and have a better relationship.

It is healthy from time to time to invite some of your friends to eat and do recreational activities.

Don't use technology as a distraction

The big mistake of many parents is to keep their children distracted from a very young age, through the cell phone or other technological equipment. This can create in the boys a great addiction that when growing up is quite complicated to correct.

Snail syndrome is a problem that has a strong presence in Japan, but has managed to spread throughout the world.

It is a sensitive subject and should be treated with great caution. Don't wait to fix a problem, because being a good parent you can avoid it.


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