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Breadcrumbing: Find out if you live on crumbs of love

Breadcrumbing: Find out if you live on crumbs of love

For many, the term breadcrumbing is totally unknown, but surely they have experienced its effects at some point. Within the tangled world of love relationships, a very insane practice is cataloged with this name.

Breadcrumbing leads to quite cruel actions where only one person benefits from the love and attention of the other, which increasingly deteriorates love relationships. Technological interaction and social networks make work easier for those who practice it.

A relationship under the terms used by breadcrumbing is all sentimental torture, although many people do not notice it. And so that this doesn't happen to you, discover everything related to breadcrumbing and how to avoid falling into the clutches of those who practice it.

Let's define what breadcrumbing is


This term is a reference to “leaving crumbs” as in the case of breadcrumbs, physically speaking. But, psychologically, it refers to people who harbor false hopes in another to get attention without any intention of commitment.

His idea is based on executing subtle actions actively keep the other person interested in them. This is a selfish practice, since the person has no interest in establishing anything serious, but does not want the other person to move away.

The attention provided is exemplified with crumbs, since they are only small doses of affection, such as a compliment, a kiss, a conversation, a detail or a sporadic reaction on networks, to make the other person believe that they have hope.

Many young people practice this as a means of raising their self-esteem, thinking that being able to get others to take an interest in them makes them more special. In most cases, breadcrumbing does not end well and the one who suffers the most is the deceived.

What causes breadcrumbing?

This conflict is not due to deep psychological distortions, such as some mental problems. But we can appreciate some factors that motivate the execution of those who practice them, and these are the following.

being self-centered

People with too high an ego easily come to adopt this practice, as they love to have the attention of others. Whoever has this problem finds it attractive to have several conquests revolving around him, without being committed to any of them.

The ego blinds those who possess it excessively, causing them to ignore the damage it causes. In his eagerness to receive admiration, he can keep one or more people under his control, just to enhance his skills of conquest and seduction, in the eyes of others.

Fear of expressing feelings

At the other extreme of the ego, there is sentimental fear, where actions are no longer moved by such an insane interest, but rather by the fear of hurting or harming others. This case is very common, because it is very difficult for them to end relationships.

There are those who maintain relationships at the expense of crumbs, but nothing else is because they do not have enough courage to put an end to it. They do not express their feelings clearly and at times they encourage the other person, making breadcrumbing exist.

Why do social networks facilitate breadcrumbing?

Why do social networks facilitate breadcrumbing?

This practice is not new in the world of love relationships, only that before, the contact was much more direct and face-to-face. Years ago gestures, looks, details and many other tactics were required to arouse someone's interest, but not now.

If you enter the profile of any person's social network, you quickly get a lot of information about it, personal data, likes and much more.

On the other hand, the reactions to the publications have created their own language in terms of scales of interest.

It is very easy to maintain one or several affective relationships at the expense of crumbs being at a distance and intermittently interacting. This practice has spread greatly among the youth, making lasting relationships more difficult.

How to deal with breadcrumbing if I am living it?

Often those who suffer from breadcrumbing do not realize that they are being victimized by someone, and it is usually a third party who makes them accountable. If this is the case for you or if you identified it on your own, you should do the following to deal with the problem.

  • Face the situation: Talk to the other person and frankly demand that they define how they see their relationship and what future they expect from it.

  • Try a face-to-face meeting : In the networks you can think and evaluate the answers very carefully, only in person and looking into the eyes we notice the true reactions.

  • Do not fall for promises: Demand forceful actions and without delay if you want to maintain the relationship. Some ask for time or promise to have clear decisions later, but it is only a strategy to continue the game.

Identify breadcrumbing

Identify breadcrumbing early

It is not so easy to create a standard for those who practice breadcrumbing, since anyone could get confused at the beginning of a relationship. But there are some tips that can help you evaluate your conquest and know if it is real or playing.

Frequency of interactions

Normally, when the interest is genuine, interaction is quite frequent, whether in person or online. There is no sporadic contact, but continuous, and it is not limited to small doses of affection, but seeks, more and more, to make their affection more noticeable.

well defined intentions

who practices breadcrumbing does not make it clear what their intentions are with the relationship, bases their interaction on attraction and flirtation, but does not address issues seriously.

On the other hand, if the suitor is genuine, he uses forceful words that define what he wants. He is not afraid to talk about the future or come up with plans that involve both of you in the long run.

They are often narcissistic

The vast majority of breadcrumbers have narcissistic leanings, this makes them express and talk a lot about themselves and their achievements and take little interest in the other.

They feign false interest, but it's just to draw your attention to them.

They fear face-to-face contact

They are very good catch behind the screen, but they are afraid to meet face to face, they usually avoid and postpone dates and outings.

Others tend to behave one way online and another in person, sometimes out of fear of outside opinion.

Breadcrumbing is undoubtedly one of the worst love scams you can experience, so be very careful and stay alert so you don't become a victim of those who practice it. Be very clear that love will never be a game.


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