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Riverdale stars Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart end two-year relationship

As is often the case when a couple in the cinema meets in real life, the relationship between Cole Spruse and Lili Reinhat, protagonists of Riverdale, touched the hearts of millions of followers of the famous series, since 2017 they are one of those "couples pink "perfect loves, as some fans call them, but... the perfect love was not such.

Based on certain details captured by people at Comic-Con San Diego, where we saw the announcement and information about the fourth season of the series, as well as statements from the characters of the same, today it has been confirmed that Cole Spreouse and Lili Reinhart ended their love affair after two years together.

The artists are silent about their separation

Despite the fact that the news about their breakup is already spread among fans, both have so far been hermetic, avoiding directly affirming or contradicting the matter. Followers of the series remember that in 2017, being together they also remained silent until their relationship was more than evident.

Since the beginning of 2019, the rumor spread that they were separated, a certain distance between them was indicated as an indication that everything had ended, but on Valentine's Day, Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart denied the news about their breakup.

However, Comic-Con San Diego 2019 not only showed them more distanced, but one of Sprouse's friends confirmed that he had told him that he ended with Lili Reinhart permanently.

The reasons for the breakup were not explained and no type of romance or strange approach to third parties is known to either of the two, so the couple's silence is compounded by a certain uncertainty of their followers, among whom some are hopeful in a statement from the couple that denies the news.

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Lector. Músico y curioso como pocos. Fan de las viejas revistas y de los viejos tiempos.

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