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Reasons why you should cut your hair

Good reasons why you should cut your hair

Wearing short hair is fashionable, but this is not the only thing that motivates many women to make this change of look, and that is that there are good reasons to cut their hair.

A long and smooth hair looks spectacular, but the great reality is that it is not so easy to maintain in that state and it is not entirely comfortable either. The hair reaches a point where it begins to become a physical and psychological weight, from which many want to free themselves.

If you've been seriously considering getting a radical haircut, but haven't made up your mind yet, here are some good reasons to get you started. And it is that wearing short hair could be an experience that you need to live.

How does it benefit me to wear short hair?

What is the benefit of having short hair?

Before entering the field of aesthetics, image change and all that visual potential that a haircut offers, let's first see some reasons that respond to practicality, and that you will surely love if your rhythm of life is hectic.

Save time

A great mane requires a lot of dedication, especially when it comes to styling. With short hair this is drastically reduced, you will no longer need as much time in front of the mirror every morning to achieve the ideal look.

Short hair doesn't get too tangled, doesn't lose its shape excessively, and is much more practical for curling, styling, or straightening. Depending on the cut you choose, it will be even easier for you, since there are styles that require practically nothing.

Save your care

Just because it's short doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of it, but both the time at the salon and the products you use are reduced by having less hair, spending less.

By having short hair, the effort involved in straightening and moisturizing it becomes a treatment that you can carry out on your own if you do not want to go to the hairdresser.

It is more comfortable

By wearing it short, forget about uncomfortable heat on your neck or getting tangled up when driving or doing any other activity. One of the virtues that those who wear short hair praise the most is how liberating it is, in terms of mobility and freshness.

If you are one of the daring girls who are always ready for unexpected plans, a cut like this will be wonderful for you, since it will take only a few minutes to have a look ready to launch into an adventure.

Why is it a good idea to cut my hair?

Outside of the practicalities, there are other reasons why getting a haircut can be a very rewarding experience, and you might even discover a permanent look. Here are some reasons to try it out.

New starts

In life cycles open and close, some have to do with our age, career, romantic relationships and many others. Sometimes it's not enough to just start something new, we need to feel completely different, that's where a new cut comes in.

If you've always had long hair, switching to a short style will make you feel like a completely different person. This may seem like a purely aesthetic issue, but it has a very positive psychological effect.


If what you want is to make an impact with a fresh and attractive image, do not limit yourself to just changing your outfit. Considerably cutting your hair will cause your look to look super renewed, and it will also favor you to apply new combinations.

Short hair makes your body dimensions stand out much more and gives you a daring air. From every point of view, wearing short hair projects you as someone young, dynamic and risky, this is the touch you need if you want to make the change feel.

wow factor

If you're already determined to get a cut that requires a lot less hair, we recommend saving it for a special occasion. If what you want is to surprise everyone and be the center of attention, make the cut and arrive surprisingly.

The surprise factor will make your change a lot to talk about and will arouse the curiosity of many. Such a cut always represents more than just an aesthetic taste and this becomes very attractive.

Variety versus routine

Automatically, a short haircut takes you out of the typical routine you are used to. It gives you new ideas that you can implement to give your hair dynamism, there is a lot to choose from between colors and hairstyles.

On the other hand, there is the factor of styles when choosing the cut, as there are many models of short haircuts. You can find one that is perfect according to your personality and the practicality you want, the variety at this point makes the difference.

Things to consider before getting a low cut

Factors to consider before getting a low cut

As we have already seen, getting a short haircut is a very good idea, but if you want to do it much more effectively and without regrets, consider the following before visiting your stylist.

The features of your face

As we well know, not all faces have the same shape, so not all cuts will look the same. You must locate a cut style that enhances the features of your face, do not be seduced by how it looks on other people, analyze how it will look on you.

What you should forget about is the prejudices that teach that only slender and tall girls have short hair.

This is totally false, it is only enough to find a cut that suits your face and your figure and you will surely find more than one.


You must have a positive and decisive attitude when making the cut, since, as well as you will receive praise, there will also be those who will give you criticism and you must be ready to defend yourself. The only person who should approve your court is yourself, other than that the rest is irrelevant.

Hair type

Not all hair types work well with any cut, so keep that in mind, this goes for long or short cuts. Knowing your hair type well will help you know what you can and cannot do, just as there are always alternatives.


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