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Death of Debanhi Escobar: The case that has left more questions than answers

On April 22, in an old cistern of a hotel located in Nuevo León, Mexico, the 18-year-old girl Debanhi Escobar, who had been missing for 13 days, was found dead after attending a party with her friends.

A week after Debanhi's body was found, the case has not yet been clarified.

On the night of April 8, Escobar attended a party with friends, who claimed that they had a fight with the girl, so the companions left the celebration, but not without first requesting a taxi (according to their account). to the authorities).

However, to date it is not known what the reason for the discussion was, which is why her parents and people who closely follow the case have doubts about what happened that day that marked the end of the 18-year-old girl's life. years.

unexplained actions

The taxi driver who picked up Debanhi reported that the girl got out of the car in the middle of the race, for no apparent reason, so the driver decided to take a picture of her and send it to her friends. Minutes later he left Escobar alone, late at night, at exactly 4:26 am.

Photo taken by the taxi driver before leaving her alone on the road.

Another question that the parents have is why the 18-year-old girl made the decision to abandon the vehicle and stay alone on the Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo highway, near the municipality of Escobedo, taking into account that she was a criminology student and he knew the risks of such a decision.

tireless search

Since Escobar did not return home, the parents tried to contact her by phone, however, they never received a response, which caused concern and they began the search for their only daughter in the hope of finding her safe.

Once the photo taken by the taxi driver went viral, the parents confirmed that the girl in it was Debanhi, thus increasing their nerves to find her okay.

However, on Friday, April 22, Escobar was found dead in an old hotel cistern. What sparked protests in Mexico for another femicide, since, in recent years, this crime has been on the rise.

autopsy results

According to the information given by the attorney general of Mexico, Gustavo Guerrero, the results of the autopsy show that the girl died of a bruise on the forehead, it is presumed that it could have been that the young woman fell into the cistern and hit herself, dying in the place.

Despite this, the true cause of death has not yet been determined. For this reason, Escobar's parents decided to do an autopsy on their own, to get a second opinion on their daughter's death.

It is presumed that this new autopsy could indicate that Debanhi fell into the cistern alive, however, the father said that he will not yet reveal the results of the autopsy that he requested on his own, until the information is cross-referenced with that carried out by the authorities.

revealing video

During a press conference, the attorney general released a video of Debanhi entering the Castilla hotel, he can be seen walking through the patio and, according to the prosecutors in the case , "then he went to the area of the cistern."

Guerrero emphasized that the videos of the hotel were made public, in order to show that apparently no one was following the girl, which reinforces the hypothesis that Escobar's death was an accident and not a murder.

Video mostrado por la Fiscalía General de México.

However, no reason is ruled out, since Guerrero himself decided to remove two prosecutors from the case, because they omitted important information, including that they visited the hotel several times and had not found the young woman's body.

Other videos were leaked to the public, showing when Escobar arrived with her friends at the party and then left fighting with a boy. Which confirms the statements of the two friends.

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