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Design your Home Office and increase your productivity

Do you have the opportunity to do your work from home? It is very important that you have space in your home that promotes productivity.

Here we bring you different tips and advice that will help you design your home office.

Since the arrival of the COVID-19 situation, many jobs have revolutionized and adapted to new technologies, promoting teleworking. That is why more and more professionals are looking for creative ideas to design a cozy home office.

This is a great way to increase work output by eliminating any distractions. Since, the home office is a space away from your home, where you will dedicate the necessary hours to your work, without distractions.

Create your own Home Office

Guide to designing a Home Office (Step by step)

Many companies have cleverly designed spaces to increase employee productivity, but there are other ways to set up your home office as well.

Motivation and productivity arise in environments where creative thoughts reign, any distractions are minimized, and a healthy environment strengthens us.

Next, we leave you the steps to design your home office and its most relevant characteristics. Let's get started!

1. Private and dedicated space

Family distractions, pets, and televisions are factors that can affect your productivity. Have you ever been to a work meeting and your child interrupts or your dog barks? It is something embarrassing that affects the productivity of the entire work team.

For this and many more reasons, you should make sure to install your office in the quietest area of your home, away from all the noises of everyday life. Even if you don't have space, they sell room dividers that will help eliminate distractions from your home.

2. Find a space with good lighting

Find a well-lit space

Although it seems quite obvious, it is important that the space you choose to mount your home office is lit by natural light.

Also, it is necessary to have artificial light that works as a reinforcement and to have a plug nearby. In this way, you can connect any artifact you need for your work.

Keep in mind that if you do manual work such as writing, drawing, painting by hand, etc. They require more lighting.

3. Keep the office ventilated

The quality of the air in your home office is of great importance, it has been proven that those who work in green environments where the air quality is better, tend to obtain better scores in cognitive functioning, compared to people who work in airtight environments.

In general, in the home the chemicals that affect the air are low, but if you want to ensure that you maintain the quality of the indoor air, you can do certain tasks.

For example, keeping the environment clean or with plants, is a way to keep the air fresh.

4. Choose comfortable furniture

Many times we get carried away by styles, materials, colors and even the shape of an object. But it is important when choosing the furniture and decoration for your home office that you have certain limitations.

Make sure your work area at home is comfortable enough so that you can spend many hours working in it and not feel uncomfortable.

Well, it is useless to have fashionable objects, but that affect your productivity when working.

5. Keep everything organized

Organization is essential in any office, of course the order will depend on the type of work you do and your work material. It is recommended to use a bookshelf, storage boxes, and place stationery accessories such as pens, notepads, etc.

The objective of this is that you always achieve a visually clean and orderly workspace.

It proposes a functional distribution of the space, so you make sure you have comfort and practicality.

3 Types of Home Office that will fascinate you

Whether you work remotely or some days work from the comfort of your home, you probably want a space specially designed for work.

To help you with this, here we bring you three home office examples, which will help you define your ideal style.


Home Office Minimalist

Minimalist offices where simple colors come together and create a harmonious and calm affection is an excellent style for a productive office. You can add dark gray walls to add a dramatic touch to the room, which contrast with the white furniture.

If you have dark floors, you can use something lighter to paint the walls.

Geometric style

Home Office Geometric Style

This is a postmodern movement that focuses on clean lines, the home office style with geometric shapes and sharp lines have become one of the most coveted.

In addition, there are many decorative products such as an asymmetrical shelf, a multicolored carpet and modern chairs, they will make your geometric office look great and be an ideal place for the emergence of ideas.


Home Office Natural

This is one of the types of home office that will give a naturalistic touch to your workspace, transmitting tranquility and can be a perfect space to reflect.

To do this, you can buy wood-colored furniture, as well as shelves and desks that combine wood with metal.

Also, you can use prints of butterflies and dragonflies to unify the room. As well as other accessories such as floating shelves, which are in harmony with each other.

Home Office benefits

It is becoming more and more evident how highly efficient this work modality can be, especially in areas of sales, marketing, software development, etc.

Thanks to the effectiveness of telecommuting, many people are looking to work from the comfort of home.

Benefits of teleworking

To give you a better idea of the advantages of the home office, here are the most relevant aspects.

Increase responsibility

Professionals who work under the home office modality have concrete and clear goals, as well as a constant report and a deadline that they must meet.

Therefore, this job requires self- discipline and a previously defined work routine.

Improves quality of life

Forget the stress of daily traffic on the way to work, thanks to the home office the quality of life of the employees of a company is increased, something that translates into greater productivity.

In fact, a study conducted by Stanford University revealed that employees who work from home are 13% more productive, compared to those who have a traditional job.

Flexible schedule

The flexibility of the working day to adapt it to your rhythm of life is one of the peculiarities of the home office.

This is perfect for people to be able to work in a calm and pleasant environment, which facilitates the completion of tasks and is away from any distractions.

Thanks to the flexible hours, the stress of the workers is reduced, and they have a better quality of life. Additionally, the home office provides the opportunity for employees to complete tasks at alternate hours.

Every day more professionals join teleworking. The key to ensuring your productivity and results is to properly condition the workspace.

Organizing the home office can be complicated, but necessary for your professional success.

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