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The paralysis of federal police in Mexico continues

Since Wednesday, July 3 of this year, there have been various acts of protest by federal police officers who are not satisfied with the integration plan with the National Guard, in Mexico.

More than one hundred elements rejected the agreements reached so far with the Federal Government and have ignored their representatives in the negotiating commission with the authorities and have rejected the agreements reached.

It is clear that there has been a division in the leadership of the Protestant federal police, so the crisis continues and the national strike continues.

The dissident group exacerbated their dissatisfied attitude when they learned that the authorities have expressed the installation of tables to assign other tasks to the uniformed men who want to continue working or decide to start the process for their liquidation.

When the representatives of the federal police were explaining that the government had offered them several options such as joining the National Immigration Institute, Customs, the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance, the National Search Commission, the Penitentiary System and the Precautionary Measures Units, in case of not wanting to join the National Guard, the dissident group exploded.

The exalted protesters loudly accused their representatives of having sold out and demanded that they leave the negotiating table.

The Federal Government has stated in various media that the situation is the fault of the opposition, corrupt police officers and outsiders for instigating a revolt and stated that it is no coincidence that the dissatisfied agents ask former President Felipe Calderón to be their leader.

This idea that the former Mexican president was his representative in the conflict also generated differences between the actors involved. For his part, Felipe Calderón refused to be behind the crisis that arose.

The police officers claim to maintain the structure of the Federal Police, as well as respect the benefits, integration into the National Guard as the Federal Police, reincorporate the personnel commissioned from the National Institute of Migration back into the corporation, and guarantees that there will be no reprisals.

As a measure of pressure, the dissident police have blocked traffic on different highways in the country for the second consecutive day. This further compromises security in a country that has been characterized by being convulsed by various social scourges such as drug trafficking.

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