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Heather Locklear is admitted to a psychiatric facility

Actress Heather Locklear enters a psychiatric facility to avoid jail as a result of several incidents of violence recorded against her. According to webmediums, Heather Locklear must stay at least 30 days when where she will be evaluated by psychiatrists to assess her mental state.


Heather Locklear was involved in violent events after consuming substances that even caused her to be arrested for her attitude. The best-known case happened in February 2018, where after attacking his partner, once the police arrived, they attacked a policeman and led to his arrest.

Recently, in June, the local police were wanted for riots. When the police arrived it was Heather Locklear, who in a drunken state attacked the police and the rocked body that hours later treated her in the emergency room.

The 57-year-old actress was charged with 8 misdemeanors, which would punish her with 4 months in jail. However, her lawyers managed to make the deal for the actress to spend 30 days in a psychiatric center where a doctor would evaluate her behavior.

If she misses her detention at this medical center, she would automatically be sent to prison for the next 4 months. However, Heather Locklear will be the next 3 years on probation, where she will not be able to drink alcohol or generate any domestic incident.

Although the actress has a history of suicide and bad behavior since 2008, only until now has she been prosecuted for repeated misconduct and attack on authority. Therefore, you must transform your life for the next 3 years, otherwise, you can spend the same 3 years but in a prison without the right to a reduced sentence.

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