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Explosion and massive fire at ExxonMóbil plant

· 1 min read

In the final minutes, a major explosion occurred at the ExxonMobil refinery in Texas. Both Baytown emergency responders and company personnel work together to control the flames that rapidly engulf the area.

The fire occurred in the place where the polypropylene of the Olefinas plant is located. As a precautionary measure, a restriction measure is carried out in the area that is located in the west of its plant and south of 330.

And the people who live close to the scene of the events were also asked to keep their homes closed so that they are not exposed to the strong fumes caused by the fire, as it contains polypropylene; therefore, they must be at home until further notice.

In addition to this, air evaluations are made both in the plant and in its surroundings, to prevent any health risk for the people of the place.

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Zootecnista, amante de la música y la moda.

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