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Helicopter falls in Michoacán, SSP dies

The government of Michoacán reported this Thursday morning, July 24, that a plane crashed. The accident occurred yesterday in Sierra de Madero. On board was the Secretary of Public Security of Michoacán Martín Godoy Castro, as well as the director of the popular insurance of Michoacán Germán Ortega and two pilots.

The Governor of the state of Michoacán Silvano Aureoles regretted the death of the victims and explained that everything seems to have been due to the weather.

"Everything indicates that the weather conditions caused the crash of the aircraft; however, we will await the development of the investigations by the competent authorities. To their family and friends, our deepest condolences," he said.

Preliminary reports indicate that the helicopter crashed in the mountains of the municipality, almost 43 km from the capital. Godoy was heading to an event in Huetamo unfortunately the helicopter lost communication and no more was known.

Martin Godoy Castro

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Redactora mexicana y estudiante de Derecho.

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