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Donald Trump restricts visas to people without health insurance

From now on, people who want US visas will be denied entry into the country unless they can show they can afford medical care.

The new rule applies to people seeking immigrant visas from abroad, not those already in the US It does not affect lawful permanent residents. It does not apply to asylum seekers, refugees or children. The statement affirms.

However, he assures that if they were applied to relatives who are outside the country, since many resident people try to take their partners or relatives to the United States, taking advantage of their residence.

From now on, immigrants must have medical insurance that covers them for the time they will be in the country, if they do not have this, they must demonstrate that they have the financial capacity to pay for any medical mishap in the United States.

To understand these new decisions, one must only remember that the immigration system of the United States is based on the family, however, since Trump is in the presidency, it is based on merit.

The White House said in a statement that too many noncitizens were taking advantage of the nation's "generous public health programs" and said immigrants contribute to the problem of "uncompensated health care costs." The uninsured rate for immigrants fell from 32 percent to 20 percent between 2013 and 2017, since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, in accordance with the Migration Policy. The experts in the migration and health area assured.

Of course, this new measure falls negatively in international opinion, but the White House assures that it is necessary and urgent to recover the health system of the United States.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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