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A flying motorcycle was tested and it is a success. Fiction becomes reality "The Speeder"

The Speeder

Technology advances every day. New inventions are researched every day, some work and some don't. Experiments that work take a big step into the technology of the future. Every time it increases the ease of having an exceptional quality of life for people. Now one step closer to an easier transportation method.

The Jetpack Aviation Speeder model effectively ends the main flight test having performed a drop test over the landing zone while attached to a link. Following the completion of this flight test, which affirmed the capabilities of the Speeder model, Jetpack Aviation expects to conduct more focused flight tests again in the middle of this year.

The Speeder is a VTOL flying motorcycle that Jetpack Aviation expects to be capable of reaching top speeds of over 480 km / h. Thanks to the innovation of the UAS, the Speeder will balance itself electronically using a new flight control programming that has been in development for a year and a half.

Speeder Features

As stated by the Californian organization, "The Speeder will be the smallest, fastest, and alternately-steered VTOL in the world, allowing for various applications in crisis, payload, military, and ordinary citizens."

The actual address is expected to be as basic as you might expect. Fully balanced, the Speeder uses a crank and tilt flight frame with manual controls, a two-way radio, and a 24-centimeter touchscreen for the route.

Although it has not yet been authoritatively chosen, Jetpack Aviation hopes to offer the Speeder to business, private and government, and will try to merge different plans for each.

The Speeder

The Speeder's plan for individual flight would almost certainly be an eight-engine monoplane. While the tactical variant could be independent with a higher weight limit. Also, the sports form seems to have two types accessible to the buyer depending on the needs nearby: the ultralight adaptation ( UVS ) and the test version ( EVS ).

The contrasts between the two truths predominate in the limitations and prerequisites: The UVS will be restricted to a 5 gallon fuel limit and a maximum speed of 60 mph, but it does not need a full pilot's permit like the EVS.

More tests will be done on the new flying motorcycle

In any case, the two variants will wait for the preparation to fly the motorcycle. And the EVS will also require the buyer to be essential for the assembly system to comply with the FAA guidelines on the creation of scout aircraft. It is estimated that a unit could cost around 322,000 euros, however, it is susceptible to change after the Speeder goes through additional tests and advances.

What seemed like an avant-garde dream of the most eminent cinematographic creations could become a substantial reality in the next few years. The US organization Jetpack Aviation stated that it had effectively completed the main full flight test of The Speeder, a flying motorcycle.

By its shape, The Speeder looks, to all appearances, a touring bike, or a running ski. By the plane and the position that the driver must adopt to operate this vehicle. Like a touring bike, the Speeder has a canopy to protect the customer from the breeze, decreasing drag and also seating the flight.

This is the latest information on "The Speeder"

According to Jetpack Aviation, what caused the most difficulties in this vehicle was its perceptible adjustment at all times, since the laws of optimal design demanded a consistent and exact change of course of the engines, which allowed to alter the course or the orientation without undermining totally construction.

For this reason, they started a product that controls the power of the actuation point, and also promoted a larger aluminum box to place the turbines at different points. Thus, a stable method was achieved to pivot at any point and remunerate this development with different turbines.

The Speeder Blue

This job alone required eighteen months of hard work, as they started with the P1, the flagship model, while formulating approaches to make it cross the air without endangering the customer.

The Speeder weighs 104 kg, can carry a rider up to 108 kg, can reach up to 240 km / h and can reach 4.5 meters. The fuel required depends on the engine used: diesel or lamp oil. However, the autonomy of the vehicle does not exceed 30 minutes, depending on the speed and weight required.

In addition, this JetPack Aviation air bike can be purchased for $ 380,000, a couple of people will really want to have this advantage, since in a first stage.

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