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The United States evaluates the arrival of more Ukrainians

Because Russia's attacks on Ukrainian territory have intensified since the beginning of the invasion. The government of Joe Biden is evaluating the possibility of allowing more refugees to enter the territory of the United States.

The US considers that the majority of refugees prefer to stay in Europe

During a briefing led by the spokesman for the US State Department, Ned Price , the option of facilitating the family unification of Ukrainians in American territory is being "very closely analyzed".

The reception measure is through the request for humanitarian parole, which can be requested in any country. The Biden government also points out that it is not necessary for Ukrainian citizens to apply for a tourist visa, since this is only for short stays.

Some refugees have mobilized for the border between Mexico and the United States to seek asylum, many have been granted humanitarian parole for a year.

This benefit will only be granted to citizens traveling through legal border crossings. However, the US government is aware that people fleeing the war in Ukraine will prefer to stay in Europe, as they can travel visa-free and stay in touch with friends and family.

It should be noted that this process is carried out through the existing legal migration routes in the US, however, currently the offices are filled with requests from Afghans who have escaped or are trying to do so from the Taliban government, who are in command in that country.



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