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Solar Photovoltaic Shingles: The Future of Home Energy

At present, the use of solar energy has expanded throughout the world, which has led to the emergence of new inventions that seek to revolutionize this sector.

One of the technological inventions that presents an ingenious and innovative way to take advantage of the traditional roof, is the photovoltaic solar tiles. Do you want to know them? Continue reading!

This invention emerged in 2009 when the project "Solar roof tiles" was presented at the University of Minho and the Nova University of Lisbon, this invention was listed as one of the most innovative in the area of solar energy worldwide, the which takes advantage of all solar energy through photovoltaic tiles.

Today, photovoltaic solar roof tiles are a reality and each day that passes they arouse more interest in consumers, who are seduced by this new technology.

In addition, large corporations such as Tesla have begun to implement this technology.

Photovoltaic solar tiles

What are photovoltaic solar tiles?

Solar tiles are designed for different real estate constructions, which use solar energy as a power source.

When talking about photovoltaic solar tiles, we can say that it is a group of tiles with photovoltaic properties that are connected to each other.

Solar tiles are similar to conventional tile models, but they incorporate mini solar panels inside, with different templates and shapes.

In general, they are made with ceramics and are made up of 4 photovoltaic cells.

It should be noted that all its connection is below the roof and goes to a converter, which maintains the aesthetics of the property.

For an area of 45 m², the tiles can generate 3 kWh and supply all the energy consumption of a house.

How do solar tiles work?

The operation of solar tiles is very similar to a conventional photovoltaic panel, if we analyze both we see that their main difference lies in their structure or assembly.

Conventional panels are mounted on an existing roof, while photovoltaic tiles are part of the building structure.

The tiles are built with photovoltaic cells, which when receiving sunlight create an electric field powerful enough to provide electricity to a building.

Solar tiles and how it works

For photovoltaic tiles to work properly they must be installed with an inverter that converts the energy received by the tiles.

Of course, the energy generation that is produced by photovoltaic solar tiles is directly linked to the sunlight to which they are exposed, so it depends on factors such as the climate and the location of the property.

Which turns sunny days into more efficient days.

For solar shingles to function optimally, it is essential to maintain and clean the shingles for their effectiveness.

As an additional tip when purchasing these tiles, choose those that are next to each other, since traditional tiles create shady areas that decrease their efficiency.

Where is it recommended installing the solar tiles?

Photovoltaic solar tiles are designed to be part of any home, complying with the process of supplying energy and protecting our home from the sun and rain.

It is recommended that you install solar tiles if you are dealing with buildings created from scratch.

Being a relatively new technology, the costs of installing these shingles can be quite expensive.

Today they are frequently installed in corporate buildings, which seek certifications related to sustainability.

They are also installed in high-standard multi-family homes, which are used in order to reduce the costs of conventional electricity in the future. This type of solar energy is predicted to be found in all types of buildings, including your own homes.

Installation of solar tiles

What are the pros and cons of solar photovoltaic roof tiles?

Now we are going to analyze in detail what are the advantages and disadvantages of photovoltaic solar tiles compared to conventional cells.

In this way, you can give yourself a better idea of all the advantages that this innovative product offers.


  • This is one of the best ways to take advantage of renewable energies in regions with high solar incidence.

  • They go unnoticed unlike traditional panels, as they are part of the structure's roof design.

  • Energy savings can in some cases reach up to 70% of electricity consumption.

  • They are a good option to take care of the environment.


  • Undoubtedly the main drawback of solar tiles is their high price.

  • There are few manufacturers and qualified labor for its installation. Among the most important production companies we find Tesla Solar, Hanergy and Eternit.

  • Because they cannot be installed at different angles to the original ceiling design, it can be more difficult to optimize energy capture.

Main manufacturers of photovoltaic solar roof tiles

Today we can find two large Italian companies that have come together to develop photovoltaic solar roof tiles. These are Area Industrie Ceramiche and REM. This product has already been produced and sold in several European countries, where they have become very popular.

Manufacturers of photovoltaic solar tiles

Among the best-selling models we find the “tegolasolare” tile, an eye-colored tile with four solar cells.

These tiles can produce up to 3 kWh of electricity in every 40 m².

Solar roof tile manufacturers fotovoltanergy has also designed a photovoltaic tile. It is a high performance dark blue polymer that is unbreakable, lightweight and recyclable.

We can also find the tiles developed by the Italian company REM SPA, which launched the Techtile system, which turns the roof of your house into a solar cover.

These are plexiglass injection modality solar tiles. These are very similar to a conventional tile, only that it contains thermal solar modules inside.

But without a doubt, the most sought-after solar photovoltaic roof tile system are those of TESLA Solar, which Tesla has been incorporating in its prefabricated house project.

In conclusion, photovoltaic solar tiles allow us to take advantage of renewable energy without having to sacrifice the aesthetic part of a building.

In addition, they are much more practical and easy to maintain.

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