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How to care for shade plants?: The best tips here

Shade plants are ideal for beautifying apartments and offices.

The plantae kingdom or world of plants is as interesting as it is diverse, so today we want to talk to you about some tips for taking care of your shade plants.

A type of plant that is very common in gardens, but that needs special attention in order to spread its beauty in all its splendor.

If you are one of those who loves to see your balcony with plants and flowers, if you have a small garden, if you simply love plants, this article is for you. Find out with us what shade plants are and what care they should have.

What are shade plants?

Shade plants or also known as semi-shade, are those species that do not need much natural light to exist. Due to this reason, they are ideal to keep in apartments, offices or even in classrooms.

The variety of colors and shapes that you can get in these plants is amazing. They are ideal for planting them in the shade of trees or in the corners of your garden where the sun does not reach all its rays in full.

Some of the most common shade plants

We are going to name some of the most common outdoor shade plants, yes, outdoor because they are to show them off. To have them in the garden, in those bits of land where there is a tree just above, where the shadow of a roof peeks out or where other bushes spread their branches.

Here are some of those that you already know and did not know this characteristic that they had and that, in addition, you already surely have in your garden. We will tell you what they are so that you can relocate them and thus take care of them much better:

  • Begonias: This plant exists in many sizes and with flowers of many colors. They do not need direct sunlight, but do require a warm space. They are beautiful and look great in any space.

  • Ferns: Their green tones contrast very well in the garden. They must be in the shade and in moist soil, in addition, you can place them in tall pots so that their leaves fall freely and give the space an air of freshness.

  • Hydrangeas: With their white, pink or blue tones, they will beautify your garden in a way that describing them in letters would be impossible. Hydrangeas should be in the shade because the sunlight wilts their flowers, also, it is good to have them outdoors, as they grow in abundance.

We could say that these three that we have just named are the typical outdoor shade plants. Others, such as petunias, can be kept inside homes, since their growth is not excessive and they are perfectly maintained in these conditions.

How to take care of your shade plants?

Since we know a little about shade plants, it is necessary to be able to have guidelines or instructions on how to take care of them.

Although we already know a special feature, these living beings must be kept away from direct sunlight, so they develop better.

first guideline

You must water them constantly, but avoiding quantities. A little water every day is preferable to a lot in one day.

In general, this type of plants is placed in pots where the water flows when watering them and thus the soil is placed moist, but it does not fill with liquid, so the plant can gradually absorb the water it requires for its growth. developing.

second guideline

Constantly check the temperature. If you have a plant inside the house, you should study very well if it resists these conditions, since some require a specific humidity that a residence cannot offer them.

A shade plant must, above all, be taken care of very well, air conditioners sometimes do not collaborate in its growth, also strong changes in temperature.

third guideline

Find accurate information and pay your plant. The amount of nutrients in the soil must be varied so that it grows properly and has the strength to tolerate any climatic vicissitude.

fourth guideline

Read a lot about the types of shade plants you own. Knowing more about the species will allow you to differentiate what is good for them and what does not help them, knowing is loving your plant.

Let us remember that plants are living beings that must be cared for, in addition, they contribute to society much more than beauty. If you have plants at home, congratulations! You will always have good company, on the contrary, if you don't like it, don't mistreat those who are on the street.

Taking care of the nature that surrounds us is essential and shade plants are part of it. They are ideal for a good illuminated garden, because there are always empty corners and that is where they belong. What do you say? Do you venture to have a petunia or a fern at home?



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Padre, esposo, cristiano y periodista que lucha cada día por ser mejor y dejar un legado de bien.

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