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This week in China will open the bridge that until now is the longest in the world on the sea.


General view from Hong Kong of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge, on October 19, 2018, five days before its opening ceremony.

This wonderful bridge will connect Hong Kong y Macao with the city China of Zhuhai, its cost was 20,000 million dollars and how it was previously said is the longest in the world on the sea, this week after 9 years of construction it will open.

It is expected that the president of China, Xi Jinping go to the opening on Tuesday in Zhuhai, the bridge will open to the public on Wednesday. The 55km long bridge was always planned for 2016 but was delayed until this year.

This is fundamental in the plan China for the creation of a large bay area of ​​56,500 square kilometers along the south of the country, include 11 cities including Hong Kong and Macao.

It also includes a submerged tunnel of 6.7 kilometers long, which makes it possible to avoid the busy sea routes over the delta delta. Pearl River

Hong Kong is a city where there are high numbers of tourism is worth noting that in 2016 received 56.7 million tourists compared to other places like the United Kingdom that only received 37.6 million being a larger country.

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