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Animal-inspired interior decoration

Keys to obtain exotic environments without going to extremes

Animal-inspired interior decoration

On many occasions we have seen the animal theme as a good source of inspiration to decorate a children's room. Despite this, can we bring this same theme to the rest of the house in a more serious tone? That is what animal decoration is all about.

We do not have to turn our house into a zoo, nor give it a safari atmosphere. You just need to integrate some details that refer to those animals that captivate us, and for our luck, there is a lot to choose from.

I invite you to follow us to the end, and find the right style.

Decorative areas of animal inspiration

There are all kinds of details with animal inspiration that you can apply to your decoration, from lamps, to painting the walls with their skin color.

The truth is that anything goes, but let's learn step by step in which areas they look best and what we can apply.

Themed walls

A great advantage of being inspired by the animal kingdom is the great variety of colors and textures. This allows us to combine a lot when painting, highlighting this area.

An example of this is the zebra skin, which you can apply to the entire wall respecting its characteristic shape.

Zebra-patterned walls

Another option is to place trophy animal head sculptures as an expert hunter.

This blends in perfectly with an old-fashioned log cabin area in the fireplace area. However, if you don't like that application, you can also use it simply as a decoration.

A very simple and practical application are pictures with figures or photographs of animals. You can even opt for a mural-style design drawn directly on the wall, which will give it a much more artistic touch.

Animal Furniture

There is a lot to choose from in this area, from armchairs to small tables to moose and bear books.

On the other hand, the figure of some quadrupeds is very attractive to furniture designers who make beautiful models.

Leopard daybed

Once again the color is practical, taking advantage of the stains or stripes of some species for the upholstery or surface coating.

Animal accessories

In this segment we can stop for a long time, since there are decorative elements for any area.

We can start with fine carpets with figures or animal skin prints, these being the center of attention in your home.

Animal centerpieces

In our room we can apply as a centerpiece the figure of a bird, mammal or reptile according to our taste. Likewise, we can also make a display of sculptures or lamps of elephants, giraffes or leopards.

There are very precise details that look charming, such as the door knobs with figures of animal heads or the bookends. Although if we want something even more striking we can apply candles with an animal theme.

Inspirational lighting

The lamps are an element that never goes unnoticed, andd they are distributed throughout the house, either on the ceiling, walls or on a table.

So, you can apply animal shaped lamps in many spaces where they will be practical and look great.

Modern animal lamps

One of the most practical places are the bedside tables, and in the study or work spaces that are at home. Some models in particular bring great dynamism to these sites.

Animal symbolism applied to space

Knowing the characteristics and qualities of an animal, leads you to give a deep meaning to your decoration. This achieves the greatest potential out of the space, capturing the essence of the specimen in relation to the environment.

Animal accessory for desks

There are animals that stand out for their ferocity, others are synonymous with intelligence or wisdom, and there are others that are associated with resistance and perseverance. You can apply a certain animal accessory in a specific room that requires or is linked to its symbology.

Such is the case of the figure of owls, which represent wisdom, which is perfect for the desk area or reading area.

Errors in an animal decoration

Animal decoration is very well-received, however, when applied incorrectly or excessively, it is automatically noticed.

If you are going to apply this theme in your home, beware of committing the following mistakes, as they will make your concept fail.

Don't recreate a zoo

Choose some specific species for the details you apply. You can lean according to their skills as a way of selection.

Still, don't mix up all kinds of animal elements, because it will give the impression that you are on a walk at the zoo.

Animal decoration

Beware of fur and stuffed animals

Some people love to use stuffed animals and real fur for decoration. Despite this, we are currently in a stage of environmental awareness, using artificial materials.

Integrating dead species as accessories, leads to a bad concept of you and even bother those who visit you.

Animal-inspired decor

Don't use live animals as ornaments

It is not okay to have caged species, such as small birds in common areas as part of the decoration.

Factors such as scattered feces, hair or feathers and noise, can affect the atmosphere and in turn haunt you.

If you like these animals, opt for artificial figures that do not suffer any damage, in this way you will have more control of the space.

Animal overload

In many cases less is more and in the case of this type of decoration it applies in the same way.

Do not overload a room with as much detail and animal furniture as you can, use the theme in a balanced way and with extreme subtlety.

For example, if you place a painting, a rug and an animal centerpiece, give another orientation to the furniture and the color of the walls. The idea is that you leave small details throughout the house, not that you group everything in a single space.

The animal decoration is fabulous and very striking, just a little creativity is enough, and you can change the image with a little budget, live it and bring the best of nature to the comfort of your home.

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