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Donald Trump in embarrassing moment before survivors of religious persecution

· 3 min read

President Donald Trump was part of an awkward conversation with some of the survivors of religious persecution. The victim of the Islamic state Nadia Murad had the opportunity to have a meeting with the current president where she had to answer the uncomfortable questions that Trump asked her during his visit in the presidential house .


This Yazidi woman victim and sex slave at the hands of the Islamic State (IS), was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in her constant search to end the subjugations suffered by her people for a war in which they have nothing to do, and with his "efforts he seeks to end sexual violence that is used as a weapon of war."

In her conference last Wednesday Nadia told the president how she was tortured for months, and likewise shared with the president how her people suffer from the terrorist group; While she related the events to him, he remained seated behind his desk.

Some of the things he told the president were They murdered my mother, my six brothers. To which Donald replied , Where are they now? Leaving the Yazidi victim perplexed by such a question and then answering "They were killed" they are found in " mass graves" in Sinyar, Iraq.

The 25-year-old girl lost 18 members of her family to the Islamists, then said to the president "please do something", because the ideal of this conference with the president is that he help all Yazidis to return from safely to your land.

In addition, I add by letting him know that more than 3,000 women and children from his town are missing. Trump then took Nadia by surprise again with another question that apparently puzzled her.

The president says to Nadia And you have the Nobel Prize?, Nadia affirms the question and replies "It's incredible", and he answers And for what reason did they give it to you, can you explain it?

"Oh really? Is it true? The first time?" Trump says in surprise. "The first time," confirmed the Nobel. "So you ran away?" The US leader continued to ask.

"I escaped, but I am not free yet. Because we have not seen ISIS in court. We do not know if they were all killed, if they are in prison. But we do know that there are 3,000 Yazidi women and children, including my niece, my nephew, my sister-in-law... Three years ago she called us and said: "I'm in Syria." And now we don't know anything about her, " Nadia concluded.

Although it is true that Nadia Murad is a survivor of the atrocious torture to which they subject women and children of her town. She was kidnapped by IS in 2014 at that time these terrorists broke into her town, murdered all the men, children and women left under their hand.

Women were subjected to forced labor and rape, while children were brought in for training as war fighters. Nadia managed to escape with the help of a family, a Muslim family from Mosul, and since then she has fought for the liberation of her people.

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Zootecnista, amante de la música y la moda.

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