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Goo Hye Sun declares that Ahn Jae Hyun had asked for a divorce for not considering her breasts attractive

Recently, news broke that Boys Over Flower actress Goo Hye Sun and her husband Ahn Jae Hyun would be starting the divorce process due to unsolvable marital problems. After this announcement, both actors have given a variety of statements talking about the reasons for separation. Even so, the whole thing had become so scandalous until the recent statements given by Goo Hye Sun.

In the statements, given by the actress through her Instagram account, it is possible to read how Hye Sun points out that Ahn Jae Hyun had asked for a divorce claiming that he did not consider her sexy and that he believed that her breasts were not attractive at all. For this reason, the actress would feel extremely hurt by those words of contempt that her former husband expressed towards how ugly his body was.

At the moment, the letter has not been translated into English, although all the statements given by the actress in her Instagram post can be verified. Even so, the citizens of South Korea have already spoken about those words, pointing out that Hye Sun would look desperate and with attempts to attract attention.

쿠 on Instagram: “안녕하세요. 구혜선입니다. 안재현씨가 남긴글을 보고 저 또한 이렇게 글을 올리게 되었습니다. 합의금을 받았다는 내용에 대한 설명을 드리고 싶은데요. 합의금중에 기부금이란. 결혼식대신 기부한 모든 금액을 말하며 그것은 모두 구혜선의 비용으로 진행을…”

It is not the first time that the K-pop community has attacked the female member of a famous couple, when it presents problems. All this would perhaps reflect that the South Korean community is seized by a certain macho attitude, giving relevance to the actor's words about the statements made recently by the Boys Over Flower actress.

Goo Hye Sun's lawyer had made some statements noting that Ahn Jae Hyun had relationships with many women and that the artist had spoken badly of the actress by messaging to some of his colleagues. Thus, this divorce case would have ended in a great scandal that would put the career of said artists from the South Korean community at risk.

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