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Youth rooms: Discover how to decorate them with tips and practical ideas

Youth rooms: Discover how to decorate them with tips and practical ideas

The youth rooms have that unique and rebellious touch that every young person or adolescent carries with them. If we want to make a successful decoration in them, we must know several factors that influence their design.

These types of rooms have many personal touches and are closely linked to the modern world and current aesthetics. In them, style reigns, so here you have to get out of the classic parameters and be seduced by trends.

Whether you want to decorate the room for a young person, or the young person is you, and you don't know how to give it that decorative touch, the following ideas and recommendations will be of great help to you, so that you successfully decorate your shelter.

How to decorate youth rooms?

How to decorate youth rooms?

Before rushing to the store to buy accessories and ask for remodeling estimates, consider the following.

For a young man's room to be decorated perfectly, we must cover the following relevant points.

Theme of your liking

Every young person has some theme that they love, be it music, comics, vintage style, retro, modern and many more. Knowing this is crucial, since this way you will be able to delineate several aspects regarding the decoration.

For young people, their room is more than a resting place, it is their first corner of independence, and of course, they want their favorite theme to predominate in the setting. Elements such as color, decorations and furniture can start from this.

Likes and talents of the young

Youth rooms for gamer.

The talents you possess or the disciplines that most appeal to you can be a great source of creativity for decoration.

It will not be the same to decorate the setting of a pianist, that of a gamer or a dancer, their tastes have a significant influence on each choice.


Some guys only use their room to disconnect from the rest of the world, but for others, apart from sleeping, it is their rehearsal space or their project workshop.

In this sense, take into account the setting so that the room remains useful for these activities.

Color palette subject to theme or trends

At this point it will greatly influence the personality, you should even give freedom so that the colors do not go in the same line as the rest of the house. The color can respond to a specific theme or allude to a taste or style such as rock or art.

In general, the colors will be linked to the trends that monopolize the youthful wave of the moment, such as the neon colors that until recently dominated the scene. There must be freedom regarding this topic, so that the original can be expressed.

Practical ideas for decorating modern youth rooms

If you want more youth room inspiration, here I show you original and modern ideas that can work excellent. You will only have to adapt them according to your tastes, to make them more personal.

Aesthetic youth rooms with lights

Modern aesthetic youth rooms with lights

There are many ways to bring a youth room to life, without using classic lighting, and most of them belong to the Aesthetic trend in youth decoration.

In this sense, you can hang colored lights, like those used at Christmas from the ceiling, this will give it a unique retro touch.

Another option is to integrate lamps that are allusive to the theme of the room, that have the figure of a character or that represent a style.

Finally, we cannot ignore the use of LED lights, perfect for modern youth rooms.

custom doors

Custom doors for piano youth rooms

Many concentrate on decorating the floor, ceiling and walls, but the door is the element that will make the difference the most.

Paint it a bright color, put your name or a design on it, fill it with patterns or stickers of your choice, you can also put a poster on it.

Any of these ideas will reflect that there is a young man in this place, and from the first glance, the style of the person sleeping in this room will be felt.

Youth rooms with decorated ceilings

Ceilings decorated with LED lights

The ceiling is one of the least used surfaces, but it has great potential. In modern youth rooms, LED lights are placed in all the corners of it, causing them to change color, giving it a very stylish air. This in turn is part of the Aesthetic style.

Another option is to use hanging decorations that give it a more artistic image. But also, painting the ceiling in a striking color or placing false beams is a good choice to change its aesthetics.

On the other hand, placing a skylight in the middle of it makes the room look very different.

Modern furniture

hanging chairs

As for furniture, the variety is quite wide and for youth rooms there is much to choose from.

Buy some furniture that has that fresh and dynamic spark, like poufs and colorful chairs. On the other hand, multifunction beds are also ideal.

Forget the classic cabinets or shelves, apply modern desks, dressers and floating shelves, this gives it a more current look. A woven hanging chair is a great idea if you're looking for something you don't see on a daily basis.

Personalize your walls with collages

Collage to decorate walls in youth rooms

In this type of decoration, traditional paintings are replaced by posters and photographs. With them, the personal photographic collages of special moments are perfect to decorate the walls, as well as the images of a favorite character.

Modern youth rooms also link very well with minimalism, so opt for subtle details that do not overload the spaces.

Elements such as collectible figures or Funko Pop dolls are a very good detail to decorate.

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