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Abdominoplasty: clear all your doubts about it

Abdominoplasty corrects a variety of aesthetic problems, but how safe is it?

Abdominoplasty is the caviar of aesthetic medicine, being a very frequent surgical intervention. It is even as popular as breast implants.

However, like many similar kinds of operations, it raises a variety of questions. Then, you will be able to clear all of them without problems, effectively delving into the subject.

What exactly is a tummy tuck?

The term abdominoplasty refers to a compound word or neologism. In itself, it unites "abdomino" which means abdomen with "plasty", which is repair or typical of plastic surgery.

Therefore, etymologically it translates as surgery to correct the abdomen. Either from an aesthetic point of view or to reduce fat levels, excess skin and give a slender shape. Regarding the last step, a method of tightening the muscle is used.

In short, abdominoplasty completely gets rid of excess adipose tissue. Promotes and sculpts a dreamy abdominal area, as well as gives patients greater self-esteem.

On the other hand, it is done in an interval of 1 to 2 hours depending on the area or the amount of fat. After that, the common thing is that a strict period of 48 hours of postoperative surveillance has to be fulfilled. Then, starting from a good evolution, the medical discharge is promulgated.

Do not confuse abdominoplasty with liposuction

A very common mistake is to confuse liposuction with abdominoplasty or vice versa. It is a situation that arises as a result of bad medical advice or misinformation circulating in the media.

  1. Liposuction is a type of surgical intervention where only excess fat is removed. In fact, the word is a neologism to make exact reference to "fat suction".

  2. Together, liposuction can be applied to various areas of the body. Extremities, abdomen and buttocks are the main objectives of this surgical technique. And, as you might guess, on the other side, abdominoplasty is dedicated exclusively to the abdominal area.

  3. For its part, abdominoplasty goes further, completely rebuilding the abdomen. It is not only based on removing or removing fat, but also providing a different and dreamy appearance for the patient. Therefore, it offers greater aesthetic results in comparison.

Put another way, with a tummy tuck you stick to a fat, skin, and muscle approach. On the side of liposuction, adiposity is the primary objective, without touching the rest of the anatomical elements mentioned.

After liposuction, it is prudent to attend a tummy tuck to complement the results

In conclusion, tummy tuck is a top-level surgical intervention. It provides excellent and complete results, a scenario that liposuction cannot achieve.

Profile of the ideal patient for a tummy tuck

Although it is actually a fairly common surgery, access to it is not easy. Not even all the money in the world will be able to withstand strict medical criteria that ensure the conditions for executing the operation.

In this sense, the so-called “ideal patient profile for a tummy tuck” emerges. In particular, they are all those characteristics that an individual must have to be a candidate:

  1. Firstly, an adequate blood hemoglobin level is required, greater than 10 or 11 grams per deciliter. Otherwise, the surgical trauma will not be well weighed.

  2. Although it aims to reduce excess fat, it is recommended that individuals are overweight. Not to be confused with obesity or morbid obesity, which is practically playing with a complex scenario at the time of surgery.

  3. Additionally, women with several pregnancies tend to suffer from a lack of flaccidity at the level of the abdominal muscles. Through this surgery, what is intended is to give a new level of tension, until the desired figure is obtained.

  4. It is a valid surgical methodology for both men and women. It does not distinguish between gender at the moment of wanting to provide a better quality of life for people.

  5. The elimination of tobacco, as well as regulating weight gain, are beneficial factors for intervention. In this way, a greater recovery process is guaranteed.

How is the recovery?

The percentage of success in abdominoplasty is high, but the collaboration of the patient will be necessary. Otherwise, serious complications and infections tend to appear.

Rehabilitation begins immediately after the surgical act. As already mentioned, the patient will be monitored for 48 hours to verify his satisfactory evolution.

Completing an idyllic postoperative period prevents a large number of complications

When you are discharged, the surgical scar will take approximately 15 days to heal. However, a period of total rest for at least one month is recommended. Afterwards, it is possible to return to routine activities, but without carrying extra weight for a total of 3 months.

Some scientifically backed recommendations

  1. The use of a girdle is recommended for the surgical wound to prevent dehiscence of the sutures. Likewise, it will contribute to conserving the applied tension.

  2. The care of the operative scar is sustained with oral antibiotics prescribed by the medical specialist. Likewise, cleaning with topical antiseptic solutions once a day will suffice.

  3. Taking anti-inflammatories or analgesics is only indicated when you feel pain and do not exceed the maximum dose every 6 to 8 hours.

  4. The normal thing is to sleep in supine position or what is equal to the face up position. Thus, greater surgical care is encouraged.

  5. Never carry heavy weight or walk long distances in the first 3 to 4 weeks of recovery. If this happens, there is a high risk not only of infections, but also of breakage and loss of surgical sutures.

It never hurts to talk about the risks

Nothing is perfect and when it comes to the medical field, there will be a certain percentage of risks and complexities. In these cases, it is prudent to echo them and not simply leave the patient adrift.

  1. Poor healing is one of the most common problems. The hospital environment influences, as well as the coagulation power of the patient or the lack of asepsis of the surgical wound.

  2. Hematomas are an abnormal collection of blood under the skin. When a good healing is not carried out, these can manifest as part of postoperative complications.

  3. Suture dehiscence or surgical site infection are among the most serious. Hence, it is essential to comply to the letter with the pre-established rest.

As long as the patient is delivered to a specialized and certified plastic surgeon, the guarantees of success are immense. Therefore, advice and information about the best will make a difference.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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