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Baby Doge Coin: The most adorable cryptomon

This tender Dog is stealing hearts, his tenderness is taking him to another level in the market ... and well, also Elon Musk.

The appearance of Doge., in mid-2010 as meme popular, it did not indicate in any way that years later, after taking us so many smiles, it would become an active, specifically one token or virtual currency.

It was not expected either, that it was unintentionally, an incentive to what more "memes ", so to speak, they arise to follow their steps. As what happened with Shiba Inu, who after a while until he defeated capitalization to Doge showing in the same way, the adorable breed dog Shiba Inu, which is the protagonist of all these cryptomones in this genre.

Then, Baby Doge Coin it is the successor of doge, and this is a cryptomon practically new, with only three months of life. The creators of it in the social account of the currency, they affirm that this token. He came to stay, innovating and being faster than all of his own species.

Although these statements will study it in depth in the article, since it seems that someone on the web has been exaggerating a little with the characteristics of this adorable cryptodivisa.

"A Pair of Dogecoin on Black Stones." By Executium on Unsplash

Everything you need to know about Baby Doge Coin

It is not a token that appears on a centralized exchange, her first index where it was added is: Pancakeswap. Nowadays, it occupies the number #2695 in that ranking. Although, value at market it is not available, the rise you have had these days has kept the addicts of the cryptomoneds in a veil of: "Will it be that I invest in it?"

Volume in the 24-hour market is an approximate $23,321.804 and in these last days it has risen more 8%. Yes, its growth is a fact every day. But, the speed of liquidation is not as incredible as its creators affirm, Shiba Inu it is much faster. And the reality is Baby Doge., it has no advantages over others coins.

Its price at market it can be simplified with scientific notation: 8.16E-10USD. That is, this does not mean that a Baby Doge Coin, valga about $8.16.


This is worth by many zeros ahead. In short, it has not come to a penny of dollar, then it is: $0.0000000008,16 its current cost.

This is actually, it is normal when a cryptomon is starting, and many people speculate their growth in bases of all virtual coins they started becoming less than one cent of dollar. Although bitcoin it was worth a few $0.80. The first year of its enforcement market. But, you have to remember that baby Doge Coin only has 3 months since he was born.

These 3 months are stipulated correctly, since that time has passed within what it is BINANCE SMART CHAIN., the chain of blocks, created to carry out intelligent contracts virtual coins, What Ethereum, in a faster and more efficient way.

A very important point, is that baby Doge Coin it is not a currency have a space in the real world. Actually, the idea of the creators is that it is not an active to exchange or pay something with him. It is an investment only, based on a pyramid scheme.

And what is a pyramid scheme?

Generally, it is also called "pyramid scam". We know, already with placing the word "scam" already generates a certain distrust, but this also depends on time.

Consists, in which the members who are part of a business or economical method they recommend and bring more people to join, and that new participants generate benefits to members who have been for longer within the business. Then, the rich becomes richer, and the poor one has to spend a lot of time within the business so that he sees increases in him.

Although, several inside the Internet affirm that Baby Doge Coin it is not an investment, is more a bet. The technology of this coin, is nothing innovative, uses the same stipulations as always, only that your image is much more adorable.

Photo by IJRO. on Pixabay.

Elon Musk and the cryptomones

Elon Musk., currently the second person with more money around the world, thanks to their good ideas and investments, becoming today, SEO of tesla and founder Spacex. (Both famous companies and large capitalization in the market). Moreover, it has a lot of influence on the masses. Something that reaches totally crazy levels, and apparently he likes to always prove it with each tweet performing. Within the web and the world of the cryptomonedas or finance he always generates some disaster.

Its influence has been demonstrated in a big way and this is very difficult to ignore, on cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and Doge know it. Both crypto assets have made big profits and big losses because of Musk.

For the benefit in these moments of Baby Doge Coin, a post on Twitter from Elon Musk, put it on the map, generating an enlarged rise in his volume from commerce. The Tweet is a clear wink to the children's song "Baby Shark". And only with that, people think that Musk gave his blessing to this adorable cryptocurrency.

Photo by talhakhalil007. on Pixabay.

How to invest in Baby Doge Coin?

1. create an account in Binance

2. Having a Token from Binance (BNB)

3. Download Trustwallet or Metamamask (Cryptocurrency wallets)

4. Get into Pancakeswap. (Converter)

5. TConvert PancakeSwap from BNB to Baby Doge.

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19 años. Redactora y artista integral ✍✨

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