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Russia attacks cities west of Ukraine and approaches EU countries

This Friday the armed conflict in Ukraine intensified after Russia carried out an air attack on western cities, thus putting the member countries of the European Union and NATO, such as Poland and Romania, on alert.

Russia announced that it will incorporate 16 thousand soldiers from the Middle East into its army

Through the Facebook social network, the mayor of Lutsk, Igor Polischuk, warned the population to take shelter in shelters, while urging them not to publish photos of the attacks, or share coordinates for security measures,

It is the first time since Russia 's invasion of Ukraine began that it has approached neighboring countries, which are not only part of the European Union but have also taken in thousands of refugees fleeing war.

missiles everywhere

Not only Lust and Ivano-Frankivsk have been targeted, but the central city of Dnipro has also been shelled, surrounding a children's school, residential buildings, shoe stores and airports were affected.

According to the information provided by the Ukrainian defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, since the Russian attack began, the number of civilians killed is higher than that of the military, since the air strikes have even been carried out on hospitals, maternity hospitals and schools.

Troops approaching kyiv

According to satellite images, Russian troops are approaching the Ukrainian capital by land, thus increasing the tension of the armed conflict.

According to information from US officials, the Moscow military could be 10 miles from Kiev, while the British defense minister said that Russia could be preparing an attack on the Ukrainian capital in the coming days.

foreign reinforcement

Recently, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported that the president of that country, Vladimir Putin, approved the military reinforcement, including in its ranks approximately 16,000 soldiers from the Middle East who want to go to war in Ukraine.



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