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iPhone 14, the new version of Apple for this 2022

The year 2021 is not over yet and everyone has already forgotten about the iPhone 13 thanks to the leaks that there were about the new iPhone 14. In recent days, there has been all kinds of speculation, in addition to the occasional leak about future Apple technologies.

Here we show you everything about the iPhone 14 for this 2022, characteristics, models, prices and even its possible launch date. Always bearing in mind that all information is speculative, until confirmed by Apple.

Possible iPhone 14 models

It is expected to find the same models as always, from the mini, to the Pro Max model, each with its own characteristics as with the iPhone 13.

iPhone 14 mini

This is the most commercial model, with the lowest sale price among its models, coming to replace the current version. Although apparently this model is between a rock and a hard place, so it is possible that it will be replaced by a model with different specifications.

Apparently what is being sought is to supplant the mini version by one that has a 6.7-inch screen, the same as the Pro Max version. The only difference would be the screen, as it would not have any of the luxurious features that make "Pro" to a Pro version.

This change is believed to place it above the iPhone 14 and below the iPhone 14 Pro, both in technology and price. The supposed name of this device would be iPhone 14 Max, a "non-Pro" version with an excellent quality screen.

iPhone 14

It comes to replace the iPhone 13, with all the new technology that it deserves, this would be the most commercial version in case it is chosen to make the Max version instead of the mini.

iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max

The Pro versions are the ones with the most changes and incredible features, from better utility and quality to better aesthetics. You will not believe the prices that have been leaked on these models, they aim to be the cheapest on the market.

Leaks of the designs for this new iPhone from 2022

Generally speaking, the design of the new iPhone 14 will be completely different from the versions of recent years. One of the first things that apparently are in change plans, are the corners, which will be at an angle again, as in previous versions.

Something that can attract attention is the new rear part that is planned to be used, with the cameras fully integrated into the device. This means that we will no longer see the lenses of the iPhone sticking out as a bump on the back of the iPhone 14.

Because of this, the model for 2021 will be slightly thicker than previous devices, with a smoother, more streamlined edge. Its front part will also be different, it is expected that they will take even more advantage of the screen space, thanks to the use of a more integrated front camera.

New features

Among its most notable features we see that the iPhone 14 will have a body built with titanium, giving it much more resistance and durability. In addition to this, it will give you a much newer aesthetic thanks to the quality of this material.

Thanks to the fact that the screens will remain at 6.1 and 6.7 inches, which is expected to integrate the Touch ID, the same one that could not obtain the current version. In the case of the sensor for Face ID, rumors indicate that they will be integrated to work under the screen.

One of the most anticipated features is the battery, which will have much more capacity, taking advantage of the extra space of the device. Another of its internal components from which a change is expected is the processor, which is expected to go from 5 nanometers to 3.

Something that really seems impossible today due to the shortage of components that all technology companies are going through. Because of this, it appears that Apple plans to delay production of its 3 nanometer processors by 2023, leaving the iPhone 14 at 5 nanometers.

Although all this is tied to the changes and events that may happen for this 2022, since many things could change.

Prices of iPhones 14

Regarding the sale value that this new device will have, it is speculated that for the “non-Pro” range the prices will be less than USD 900. If we count on one of these iPhones to have a larger screen, we would be talking about the 6.7-inch iPhone with the lowest price ever seen.

In the case of the Pro line of this device, the prices obviously exceed $1000, but they are still very cheap. This compared to some past models, also taking into account the inflation caused by the shortage of components.

IPhone 14 release date

Hopefully Apple will meet its annual releases, improvements have already been seen in the economy, indicating that 2022 will be much better. If everything goes according to plan, it is expected that we can see the iPhone 14 for the month of September.

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24 años. Redactora y escritora bilingüe Venezolana, con siete años de experiencia.

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