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India shot down its own helicopter by mistake and killed all its crew

A mystery surrounded the downing of the Indian Air Force Mil Mi17 V5. A helicopter that was on a mission in February and was mysteriously shot down. At first, it was reported that it was an attack, but the news was quickly removed from all news sites and the case went into the background.

Indian Helicopter

Months after investigation, they assured that the demolition was by a missile launched by the Indian air force itself. The event occurred in the Budgam district and the error was accepted by the air force commander.

The commander assured that the investigation would end up finding those responsible for the administration and applying disciplinary measures, while the incident was considered an "accident." So far it is known that two officers are being held responsible for the act.

Apparently, the Indians believed that the helicopter would try to attack them after a day before they entered Pakistani territory to bomb a terrorist zone.

However, 7 people died, including a civilian. The confusion was also attributed to the fact that Indian and Pakistani planes exchanged missiles and shots in the Line of Control that is currently a war zone.

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