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The best prescription of tuna to the pickle

The pickled tuna is a delicious dish, which is typical of the maritime areas of Europe. In this dish, tuna is the protagonist, highlighting its taste thanks to the participation of spices, lemon and other dressing.

This dish in general is quite expensive at any restaurant, but it is very easy to prepare, because the steps to follow do not have great complexity and use few ingredients. However, a good way to highlight the taste of this is using a glass of liquor such as white wine, whiskey or sherry.

As for tuna you are going to use, the ideal is that it is a boned piece so that the preparation is simpler. You can get these pieces in any supermarket, as you can also request that the piece when you buy it.

However, if the piece does not have boned, you can bone your own account once you get home, because there are multiple tutorials on the web that explain this procedure. Next, we will explain the steps to follow for the preparation of this recipe, including its ingredients to be used.

Ingredients to be used in tuna recipe to pickle

  • A slice of 1 kilogram tuna, which must be without skin.

  • The half lemon juice, preferably large and with a lot of juice.

  • Three garlic cloves whole, previously peeled.

  • A fresh laurel leaf.

  • 1 pamillet of fresh and well-preserved parsley.

  • Four tablespoons of olive oil, preferably Extra Virgin.

  • A cup of vinegar, preferably apple.

  • Salt to taste.

Recommendations before starting with the recipe

  • Ideally, before starting, keep up with all the ingredients and tools to use, in order to prevent you from losing time in the process.

  • Try to choose a tuna that is very fresh, Preferably that does not come frozen. A good way to get this is on the coast or in the fishmongers on the banks of the beaches.

  • As for the other ingredients, like the leaves of Laurel, the bouquet of parsley and the lemon, what ideal is that they are also fresh.

  • If you like, you can use ground black pepper to taste, as this is pretty good with tuna.

  • Another good option for this recipe, is the use of some alcoholic beverage such as sherry, red wine or whiskey, as this highlights the taste of tuna when choking the piece previously in this alcoholic drink.

  • The salt can be sea salt, because it it also highlights the Tuna flavor.

  • It is recommended that the piece of tuna is boned and without skin before starting the preparation.

Technical details of tuna recipe to pickle

  • The arrangement of the ingredients of this recipe is for four people. In case you want to prepare this recipe for more than four people, you should only multiply the amounts of this recipe by the number of diners.

  • The amount of calories per rations of this saucer is 331.

  • The preparation time is just an hour and a half.

Steps for the preparation of tuna recipe to pickle

  1. Gather all the ingredients.

  2. Wash tuna very well and dry it.

  3. Place tuna in a saucepan, preferably mud, which has been previously heated with boiling water.

  4. Incorporate the parsley, garlic and juice of the half lemon, coupled to the oil, salt and vinegar.

  5. Place the pump of clay to the fire, once Note that water with ingredients begin to boil, add the laurel sheet and let these cook together for 10 minutes. (The cooking time can increase or decrease depending on the bulk of the tuna slice).

  6. Once tuna is cooked, remove the saucepan from the fire and let it cool inside the same broth.

  7. In case the tuna piece is not boned, wait for tuna to cool down and remove the spine very carefully.

  8. Once this is cold and boned the piece of tuna, Put it in a serving fountain.

  9. Decorate the saucer with the branches of parsley and if you like, he spreads some ground black pepper to taste. You can also add a touch of mayonnaise sauce on top of the piece.

Steps to prepare tuna to pickle.

What to do in case there are leftovers?

The pickled tuna is well-preserved once cooked, but only if mayonnaise has not been added. In this case, place it in a tray or Vidrie container, tap it and take it to the refrigerator. There you will only be ready to eat for a period of maximum two days.

To heat it, just remove it from the refrigerator, take the microwave, hot and serve cold. If you have added mayonnaise or any other sauce or dressing, it is best to consume instantly, because you can not keep it properly to consume later.

With what can I accompany the tuna recipe to the pickle?

For the contour of pickled tuna, a good add-on can be fried potatoes, steep and fried green banana or a delicious salad. Of the latter, a good option is the Caesar salad.

Another good option for those looking for a light lunch or dinner, it is ideal to accompany this dish with slices of hard bread. As for the drink, it can accompany by a glass of wine, or a watermelon shake or Maracuyá. The latter is because the ideal combination are tropical fruit shakes.

Conclusions of the recipe

The pickling tuna recipe is a delicious dish that is perfect for a light dinner at a special event. It is ideal for a romantic dinner, or to surprise your family with a different meal.

Although this recipe whether perfect for its simplicity, you can try different combinations or try to change the steps a little. For example, if you do not get a clay pan you can cook in an aluminum or steel. However, the clay pan gave him a perfect flavor to his tuna.

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