Is it good to sleep with your hair up?
Beauty habits before going to sleep show us that it is the best for our hair

Sleeping with your hair braided or tied up can be one of the many tips that stylists or beauty gurus can offer you, but is it really true? This question is undoubtedly a constant question in the lives of women, since we have heard many times things that contradict each other, which unconsciously generates concern.
Although we are one of the girls who rarely worry about hair, unless they are special occasions, it is normal to hear things like: "It is better to make a braid to sleep" or "It is preferable to sleep with your hair down".
With this article, once and for all we will clarify this habit, of what is right or wrong for our hair just when we sleep. Don't go, your hair will thank you!

Ponytails and tight tails for sleeping Don't even think about it!
This is undoubtedly a prayer that you should keep in mind from time to time, especially if you are one of the girls who love to have their hair up, or who should do it due to work or hobby obligations.
Since it is understood that having such a busy day, when you get home you just want to throw yourself into bed and sleep as we arrived. This highlights how continuous it can be to leave a tight hairstyle to sleep.
For whatever reason, leaving your hair tight while you rest is the worst thing you can do to it, both at the ends and at the top.
Why is it not good to have a tight hairstyle to sleep?
We know how annoying an extremely tight hairstyle can be, and even if you think at the moment before you close your eyes that: "the hairstyle I have now is not that extreme", in the long run it will be.
Having the upper part stretched in such a way, generates tension in the scalp, and this will not only mean that you cannot rest completely, due to this unconscious discomfort, but also that your hair will break due to the shaking you will make when sleeping.
It can sound very dramatic, because we don't take the time to look at our hair and the little cuts that are made when it is parted.
If you are one of the girls who wonder "Where do split ends come from?", Well, from that action. Although of course, there are more reasons that are much worse than sleeping with tight tails.
It seems difficult to sleep without breaking your hair
Hair is a part of our daily life, which in reality without realizing it, is something very fragile, even if we are taking care of it with nourishing masks, that it gets tangled in a chair, clothes or our own nails is a situation that tends to break in the same way the hair fiber.
Our pillow can be one of those mortal enemies for our hair, experts advise for reason the use of pillowcases with silk fabric; Being smooth and soft it does not add to tangle our hair as with others made of cotton.
Sleeping Braids: Remedy or Disease?
Braids will only serve as a refuge from so much danger, if you have previously cared for your hair so that the braid is not also one of the deadly enemies for hair health.
That is, you are the one who decides if your braid is a remedy or a disease, since it consists of the way you braid your hair. When we talk about the shape, we refer to: If it is untangled when making the braid, if it is wet, or dirty.
This last eventuality is awful because your hair will get so greasy that it will stick to the pillow and break, even if you are using silk covers.
What to do before going to bed?
The best thing you can do before going to bed is a list of steps, which, although they may seem somehow "annoying or pointless", are recommended by experts to protect the hair as much as possible:
The first thing to take into account is to detangle dry hair (Never sleep with wet hair). Then weave a braid that is not tight, and tie the end with a soft texture band. No garters that have notary plastic material, or with prominent ornaments.
This short list is simple, you just have to keep it constant night after night, until you get to the point that it is not difficult for you to do this so simple before going to sleep.