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Licenciado Valeriano will NOT sue Louis Vuitton

#LicenciadoValeriano became a trend in Mexico as a result of a supposed demand. Recently it was known that Bachelor Valerian sued Louis Vuitton for what allegedly would be the plagiarism of his logo. The Mexican jump to fame through the social network Twitter turned viral a photograph where the logo "Licenciado Valeriano" matches exactly with Louis Vuitton, although this firm has the logo since 1854.

Taken from Twitter

But nevertheless, it was Licenciado Valeriano himself, exactly Attorney Jose Francisco Valeriano Cruz who had to deliver statements about this news was false and did not establish any claim against the Louis Vuitton company.

The incident occurred as a result of the photograph that they uploaded to their social networks, in which a picture with the logo "LV" can be seen in the background, an icon recognized worldwide for being the initials of "Louis Vuitton". The news had such an echo, that some media believed the version that the lawyer had the rights to the logo. However, this was quickly denied.

This news shows the fame that a character can have as a result of viral photographs. However, it represents a social danger to his good name. This is due to the fact that the use of internationally registered logos causes a demand for those who carry their rights. Therefore, the lawyer himself made it clear that his logo is an owl and there is no legal process against the company for the rights of "LV".

However, on twitter they continue to create false images with the logos of both companies, making a popular mix between what would be the law firm and the company selling handbags and other products. Next, the official communiqué of Licentiate Valeriano.

Lawyer José Francisco Valeriano Cruz, Licenciado Valeriano

What good afternoon everyone, I take advantage of the space to thank the few good comments, like the bad ones, indeed the picture that appears has a picture with the LV emblem, which says Lic. Valeriano, however we believe that someone ill-intentioned put as a comment that we are dedicated to the registration of logos and brands, which is false, we are family matters, civil among others as many offices. We are valeriano and associates our logo is an owl, we respect the freedom of expression of each person, I recognize that some memes have been fun and other offensive, it is part of being exposed to social networks. The commercial preference or for some brands has nothing to do with our propaganda.

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