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Protests by Rappi Distributors in Colombia end in luggage burning

Labor problems are common to all types of companies, and in this case a protest has been raised that has ended with the burning of suitcases by the so-called "rappitenderos", who are workers of the Rappi company in Colombia.

They have been demanding health coverage, pension and that the company be responsible in the event of an accident, since they are currently unprotected.

A group of delivery men staged a sit-in in front of the company's headquarters in Bogotá, Colombia, to demand better working conditions. It was a group of about a hundred delivery men.

The workers allege that they do not have labor rights and demand that the home delivery company take responsibility for any damage to their health that occurs to them in the event that they suffer an accident while traveling through the crowded streets of Colombian cities, which They are known worldwide for having one of the worst traffic in the entire world.

The delivery men who move by bicycle denounced before the different media that came to cover the protest, that they remain informal, are not affiliated with the health system, nor do they have any pension.

Daniel Garcia T on Twitter

As an extreme protest measure, some "rappitenderos" burned the company's striking orange suitcases that are used to transport the products. This caused the vehicular chaos to increase and the firefighters to rush to prevent the flames from causing any greater damage.

What has been Rappi's response?

The company has sent an official statement that has been released by the local media. The international firm has rejected the protest of its workers, and assured that there are formal channels to dialogue in a civilized manner.

They have pointed out the following: "We are not going to allow the behavior of a few to affect the name of thousands of friendly people committed to offering a quality service to our users."

The population hopes that the workers and the company reach an agreement to avoid further excesses. Affected neighbors have urged the relevant authorities to take action on the matter so that such incidents are not repeated.

Marlin on Twitter

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