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Pride in London 2019: today is Pride Day in London

This July 6, the streets of London have been packed with people celebrating LGBTI+ pride day. This year, the organization of the event has tried to pay tribute to those elderly people who belong to said community.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the events experienced at Stonewall, the place where all kinds of proposals and struggles for LGBTI+ rights were born.

The theme of Pride in London 2019 is the commemoration of those elderly people belonging to the LGBTI+ community. In this way, his commemorative phrase is "Seniors without wardrobes".

The organizers of this event have indicated that Pride in London 2019 will be the annual celebration of its kind where we will see greater diversity and greater sustainability by all types of media and organizations.

Peter Tatchell, one of the organizers of the London Pride parade, has criticized the authorities for placing restrictions on this important event for the LGBTI+ community:

In the 1990s over 100,000 people could attend the marches, and similar numbers could be made today were it not for the restrictions placed on the parade. Pride (referring to the parade) has become so bureaucratic and regimented. LGBT+ members cannot join the parade, only organizations.

In this way, it is expected that this pride parade in London will be the largest of all time and can be covered by manys and entities. For this reason, the spotlights worldwide have fallen on this event that is so important today.

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