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Secret transmitter in Apple Watch 7? Find out all about it

The presentation of the new Apple Watch series 7 brings endless news, from a better screen to a possible secret transmitter. Of course, the latter could be less alarming than it sounds, let's first look at some of the things this watch offers.

Screen and feature enhancements

So far, this is the Apple Watch with the largest screen of all, which despite the size, does not bother at all. The screen is undoubtedly one of its best features, offering the new OLED that helps keep the device's dimensions compact.

The screen is always active, and has a greater illumination that allows you to see the information you want clearly. Its innate beauty makes this watch look like a piece of art, with subtle details that you will certainly appreciate.

Despite the fact that the most exposed part is this incredible screen, the Apple Watch 7 promises to be much more resistant than the previous ones. Its front glass is even thicker than that of its predecessor, with a more robust and perfectly sealed structure.

These characteristics allow it to absorb impacts, resist dust and withstand much more immersion in water. Undoubtedly a screen that promises to satisfy the needs of many users.

On the other hand, the functionalities allow you to do a huge amount of things, from measuring your entire body, to being useful for work and daily life. Its sensors evolved, now they can measure vital signs of the body much more accurately.

It can measure blood oxygen, heart rate, sleep and more, giving monitoring options in order to improve health. This device even has the ability to incentivize you to get up and exercise, completely improving your mood.

Wireless transmitter on Apple Watch 7?

It really is news that comes unexpectedly, since many believed they knew everything that this new watch had to offer. It seems that one of the main novelties is an apparent secret module that allows wireless data transmission.

Recently a technology site had access to know the new features that this new device has. A fact witnessed before the federal commission of the United States, which confirms the veracity of the information.

The documentation for these new models assures that it has a built-in wireless transfer module. It is specified that the transfer frequency of the Apple Watch Series 7 is 60.5 GHz.

The strange thing is that it is also specified that this functionality is reserved only for internal company use. We know what frequency it uses, but the data transfer speed is still a mystery.

Many users wonder if this functionality can be used commonly although it is something that has not really been clear. What remains clear is that this device promises much more than it has shown.

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24 años. Redactora y escritora bilingüe Venezolana, con siete años de experiencia.

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