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Allison Fluke: from teacher in the United States to battalion commander of the Islamic State

She is accused of leading an Islamic State militant group.

Allison Fluke

It remains a mystery to the US government how a teacher from a small school in Kansas became the commander of an Islamic State battalion.

Some testimonies collected by different media have managed to have indications of how the teacher, who is currently accused of terrorism, made the move to the Islamic State.

Ekren's teenage science teacher, Larry Miller, told the media that he is shocked by his former student's link to the terrorist organization.

He assured that during the couple of years that he taught her, she was a very applied student and a very affectionate young woman.

Miller claimed to have received a letter fifteen years ago from Allison expressing her admiration for the professor, which Miller called "a very nice letter."

The professor assures that he never saw indicators in Allison that assured him that she would harm another living being.

Decades after her trial as a student, she became a strong supporter of the radical ideology of the Islamic State.

Sources assured US prosecutors that Allison was a radical "12" on a scale of 1 to 10.

According to US sources and public records, in the late 2000s, Allison was living in the Middle East with her husband and children. Public documents indicate that she lived abroad, but she frequently traveled to visit Kansas.

In her blog, between 2008 and 2010, Allison detailed her life and showed nothing out of the ordinary.

Already in 2012, according to United States authorities, Allison would have entered Syria illegally and would begin her life dedicated to terrorism.

After her husband's death, authorities say Allison married several members of the Islamic State and began her influence in training women and girls in weapons, explosives and bomb vests (used in suicide attacks).

Some sources claim to have seen one of Allison's sons with an assault rifle inside his house in Syria. Currently, Allison is accused of terrorism in the state of Virginia, in the United States.

Judge Iván Davis on Thursday stated that Allison would be held without bail. The judge assured that Allison did not reject his apprehension.

Allison's relatives have reportedly told her that they had asked the US authorities to prohibit her from contacting them.

One of the US federal government's cooperating witnesses confirmed that he is related to Allison, although his identity has not been revealed.

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