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Two brothers die asphyxiated in the fuel tank of a service station in Aguachica

Today the tragic news of the death of the brothers Rodulfo and Nayid Gordillo Reyes, who died of suffocation while they were working in the cleaning service of a fuel tank, has been known. For now, the case is still being evaluated by specialists in the area.

Photo: Joanpa

All this event was experienced at the Maravilla Service Station, which is located at Carrera 40 No. 2 – 25 Vía al Mar in Bogotá, Colombia. This would be the first time that an altercation of this magnitude has been experienced in said service station.

Rodulfo and Nayid worked at the Tecsoling sas company, which was in charge of hiring workers to carry out all kinds of cleaning tasks for fuel tanks at service stations. Both brothers had been working at the Maravilla station for 2 weeks, carrying out their tank washing tasks.

According to preliminary information, the incident occurred because one of the employees did not follow the security protocol, which first asked him to degas the tanks before entering to clean them. In this way, the employee decided to enter the tank without complying with said process, which caused him to suffocate.

The other brother, who was also present at the incident, was alarmed to see that his brother was suffocating, so he decided to enter the tank in the same way. The result was that Rodulfo and Nayid Gordillo Reyes ended up suffocated inside the fuel tank.

Rodulfo Gordillo Reyer was 53 years old and had been born in Ambalema, Tolima. On the other hand, Nayid Gordillo Reyes was 44 years old and came from Bogotá.

The case is still in the hands of specialists to verify the true cause of death of both brothers. In this way, it remains to wait for official statements from said entities.

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