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Learn about the origin of carnival, one of the happiest parties in the world

The carnival of Venice, the oldest in the world.

One of the most colorful and picturesque celebrations is the carnival, which ends the winter celebrations.

Carnival is the last of the festivities before the beginning of the period of Lent, that is, the forty days of fasting that must be carried out, before the start of Holy Week.

One of the typical customs of carnival are the masks and costumes, which have an ancient origin, related to modesty within the conservative Catholic society, and the excesses that could be committed during these festivities.

What is the origin of the carnival?

The carnival festivities have a pagan origin, that is, they are celebrations outside the Christian religion, which were assimilated by the church, due to the high esteem that these celebrations had in the people.

Tracing the origin of the carnival is almost impossible, however, it is known that they were adaptations of the Roman festivals dedicated to the god Bacchus, who in turn were related to the Greek god Dionysus; probably being the oldest party favors from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

During these ancestral festivities, ancient societies indulged in debauchery, as they were celebrating changes in seasons and dates close to the solstices, which were cause for celebration in the past, and also today.

A sample of this, are in addition to the carnival, the Christmas parties.

For example, in Rome the Saturnalia festivities were held, held before the period of purification (the current Lent), where licentious parties were offered to the god Saturn; so that when descending to the abysses, spring would occur, and good harvests would occur.

In Greece, on the other hand, the figure of King Momo was important, representative of mockery, sarcasm, and irony; that during Greek times, was considered the god of poets.

Hesiod in his Theogony, pointed out that Momo was the son of Nix, the night; a clear reference to the winter season, which when the carnival arrives, is coming to an end.

Expansion of the carnival throughout Europe

In Europe the Christian countries celebrated the carnival, since the Middle Ages, being the carnival of Venice, the oldest in the world.

Its beginning seems to be in the twelfth century, after an important military victory of the Venetians.

However, it is in the 13th century that it acquires the characteristics that define it today, that is, the masks and costumes, which secretly allowed members of the upper class to mingle with poor people.

In the following centuries, the carnival was taking root in many European countries, such as: Belgium, Switzerland, the current Germany, Spain, etc.

It had the support of the Catholic religion, which adapted this important ancient celebration to its calendar and traditional festivities.

In these countries it was customary to use costumes and masks, to maintain anonymity, during the licentious parties that took place on those dates.

When did carnival begin in Latin America?

After the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America, the Spanish brought their customs to the entire new territory; being the carnival, one of the new festivals brought by the Spanish.

The first carnival that took place in America was in the current Dominican Republic, in 1520. It happened in the settlement called Concepción de la Vega, which was founded during the second voyage of Columbus.

In that first American carnival, the residents dressed up as Moors and Christians, leaving the foundations of Dominican carnival traditions, which still live today.

When does the carnival start, and why is it always on different dates?

To know when the carnival starts, we must first take into account that we must take Easter Sunday as a reference.

This is due to the Christianization of carnival by the Catholic Church.

To know the beginning of the carnival, forty days must be subtracted from Resurrection Sunday; since it is these days, the times of Lent in which one should fast and lead a demure life.

To know when Easter Sunday is, we must take as a reference the first Sunday of the spring week, when the first full moon rises.

As the rise of the full moon in spring does not have a fixed date; this is the main reason why each year the carnival takes place on a different date.



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