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Frizz: the constant enemy of our hair

Brown woman with her curly hair

Our hair can be so volatile when it comes to the look of frizz or frizz, which affects all hair types, whether super curly or extremely straight. We all try to fight the same enemy.

Sometimes we don't even know how the moods of our hair appear, and not in all scenarios is it our fault.

There are times when there are common agents in our usual environment, factors that entangle our hair and leave it without a defined shape, going into combat hair against hair.

If you want to know where hard-to-control hair comes from, and some tricks to keep your hair beautiful, you're in the right place!

A dry scalp causes dandruff or itchiness

Dry scalp causes frizz

The stem of our hair is the scalp, everything that we are placing on the root or the hair follicles will generate a change in the entire length of our hair.

This period of reaction can be noticed either immediately, months or even a few years later. When we put alcohol for example, our scalp will feel dry.

What causes dandruff or just itching, are already annoying things for everyday life. On the mane, it acts as a kind of electricity.

Said altered volume appropriates even the shortest hair, randomly diverting them in opposite directions. Without any control.

It looks like a lion's mane, although it looks like the product of a bad day, there is much more behind it. In this article we tell you about some factors that you do not notice in your day to day.

Hermione is an example of very frizzy hair.

Daily factors that produce frizz

You need to stay hydrated


When we refer to "Dehydration" we are not only adapting to the action of having hair without constant maintenance of vitamins and minerals, which make it revitalize with each application of masks or creams.

We also take very seriously reminding you to drink water on a daily basis.

Even if you don't realize it, not drinking water for a whole day causes your appearance to turn a bit gray over time.

Our mane has nowhere to take the necessary vitamins to be well, you will notice it if you pay attention.

Weather changes could cause frizz


Bad weather can be the worst enemy for your hair, since if it is dehydrated it will somehow try to get the moisture that it is missing. So it's easy for him to take it from the surrounding environment.

If it is a day with a lot of steam, the frizz will do its thing by absorbing water in the air.

And if instead of being a very humid day there is a strong radiant sun, the breeze and how hot your environment is will leave more than the required oil on the scalp, causing the same appearance of electricity.

Damaged hair due to the use of chemicals

Previous chemical processes

These chemical processes can be products placed for smoothing that are very abrasive for capillary skin that is so delicate, also dyes, color baths, or the strongest of chemicals, the so-called bleaches.

These beauty processes that are normally used to change your look, you may not have problems with the health of your hair at the beginning of its application.

However, over time, and not having a proper care routine, or not having it at all, the life of your hair will fall with the culmination of the effect of the product that you have applied.

Hair mask to strengthen hair

Tips for turning off electrified hair

Apply masks

The ideal would be to maintain a constant routine to moisturize your hair, although we know that this can often be complicated by a busy life.

But if you at least make an effort to keep applying a hair revitalizer once every two weeks, your hair will thank you. In addition to adding a product that acts as a heat protector.

Touching the hair a lot only generates more friz

Don't touch your hair all day!

Many times we have a nervous tic to touch our hair, or in such a case that we constantly touch it to try to make the frizz go away, what we are generating is the opposite.

Our hands with each thing that we touch takes a little electricity from the energy of the objects. When we touch our hair many times during the day, we share more electricity with it, which it probably doesn't need.

Styling Product Application

No alcohol in our mane

Many products for the maintenance or finishing of a good dry or curl contain an ingredient that will gradually cause dryness. Products with alcohol are not recommended.

Alcohol is used in lacquers, creams or fixing gel. Hence, the care you must have if you apply these products a lot to your hair, since they generate a gray, dry appearance and say hello to frizz.

Silk covers are the most recommended using when sleeping

Cotton cover or silk cover?

Although the majority of the population takes pillowcases made of cotton as the most common. The truth is that they are not the best, this material also stores energy.

It is a combination of the nights and the involuntary movements of sleep, causing your hair to rub, lifting the shortest hair.

To stop this process, it is advisable to use silk covers. Silk is a soft, smooth material that doesn't tangle your hair or give it more electricity to make it untamable.

Wooden brushes are the most recommended by experts

Use wooden or natural fiber brushes

Brushing or untangling our hair can sometimes be a very cumbersome problem to solve, especially if you keep a brush with wire or plastic bristles. They are the brushes that save the most electricity.

Instead of these options, try a split-bristle brush that is made of wood or natural fiber, so when your hair dries it doesn't get a shaggy finished look.

Trimming the tips every three months keeps the electricity of the tips controlled

Cut tips every three months

The ends are the part of the hair where the most energy is retained. This together with the split ends produce an aesthetic image that is not at all graceful by today's styling.

For this reason, hair care experts recommend cutting maintenance in a perennial period of three months. To maintain a healthy image of your hair and forget about split ends.

Oil to seal the hairstyle

If you finish straightening your hair or simply detangling it, a perfect addition is to put oil from the middle to the ends. Just a couple of drops, don't go overboard, or you'll just create the wrong aesthetic.

You can use coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil, castor oil, among other completely natural oils.

Curling irons can do worse than irons

Do not abuse the pliers

Although this is advice given on almost every beauty blog, it remains a constant reminder of the problems of overdoing it with curling irons.

The constant heat so close to our hair produces several affectations, and we believe that frizz is one of the minor inconveniences seen. Straightening or curling our hair once every two weeks is more than enough.

And when your hair is arranged in any of these ways, we recommend that you finish by running your fingers through your hair like a comb. This is a trick that the vast majority of stylists used to save uncontrolled hair.

Having most of these tips in your daily life will make a remarkable change and say goodbye to frizz at last.

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19 años. Redactora y artista integral ✍✨

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