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How to make curry sauce?: I leave you the recipe here

A delicious recipe to accompany many meals is the curry sauce, ideal for savoring a single dish in good company.

Very simple and easy to make, you can take just 10 minutes and enjoy its incredible flavor.

How is curry made?

If you can really buy ready-made curry in any store or food establishment, there is also the option of preparing it at home in a simple way. You only need the following ingredients:

  • Turmeric.

  • Cumin.

  • Black pepper

  • bay leaves

  • Nutmeg

  • Onion

  • Nails

  • Ginger

They are only some of the main ingredients, you can add some extras if you wish. Curry is characterized by having many spices.

Spices for curry sauce.

Curry sauce to accompany the chicken

Definitely, we are talking about two exquisite allies, the curry sauce is perfect for these unique dishes. To prepare it we will need the following ingredients:

  • Curry powder (only 2 teaspoons)

  • Salt.

  • Black pepper.

  • An onion or the stem of chives.

  • 250ML of liquid cream or milk.

  • Butter to taste.


  1. To start you have to chop the onion into very small pieces and fry with the olive oil in the cauldron of your choice.

  2. Then the curry is added and gently stirred to complement the flavor very well.

  3. Add the liquid cream or milk and continue stirring until unified with the rest of the ingredients.

  4. Finally, we add the salt and black pepper to give the last touch of taste.

    Curry sauce for your favorite dishes.

It is ready to be enjoyed with a delicious roast or baked chicken. It is also ideal to accompany meat, fish and add rice or vegetables, it really goes very well with everything.

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