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These are the strangest and most common allergies that we all suffer from at some point

Know what are the most common and rare allergies.

We've all been through the discomfort of an itchy rash, a sore stomach, or a bout of sneezing from an allergy reaction. However, there are different kinds of allergies, of which you were not yet aware.

Allergies are as varied as people, and almost everyone suffers from one. This leads us to deprive ourselves of coming into contact with those elements that cause them, since, although in many cases the reactions are simple, in others they are life or death.

Now, so that you are aware of all these elements that can cause allergies, I invite you to learn about the most common and strange types of allergies that you should take care of.

The most common allergies that we all know

The most common types of allergies.

These are the allergies to which we are most frequently exposed, in addition to the fact that there is a large percentage of individuals who suffer from them.

In general, they are not that dangerous, however, some can be life-threatening.

insect bites

Whether it's mosquitoes, ants, wasps or any other insect, this is one of the most common allergies. Usually they cause itching, pain and swelling in the area where they bite.

Wild and natural spaces are the areas where we have been most exposed to reacting to this type of allergies.

Normally, insect bites are not that dangerous, and we can deal with them with repellents and by staying warm.

But, if it is an allergy to bees or another specific insect, care must be taken, because the reaction even blocks the respiratory tract.

The pollen

Many of us love to walk through the countryside, or enter the flower shop and smell a flower to capture its aroma, but for others, this is total torture. Pollen is usually one of the main causes of allergies, and its most common reaction is a shower of sneezes.

This doesn't seem so serious, but when you sneeze too much, it irritates the inside of your nose, causing redness, pain, tiredness, and a headache.

Pollen is dispersed in the air, so it is very easy for those who suffer from this allergy to be affected by it.


This is another of the allergies that can make us sneeze non-stop, cause a runny nose, watery eyes and severe irritation in the nose.

Mites are micro insects that are normally found in the dust, or also in the humid places of our house.

They are invisible to the eye and can lodge in places like our bed, sofa, pillows, car seats, to name a few.

The best way to combat them is to maintain good cleanliness in all areas of our home.


In this case, the list of food products that can cause allergies is quite extensive, and is made up of fruits, meats and species of all kinds. Some of the most common are:

  • The shellfish.

  • Milk.

  • Cinnamon.

  • Strawberries.

  • Pepper.

It is very easy to suffer from food allergies due to ignorance. Even more so, if prepared food is bought and all the ingredients it contains are unknown.

When it is discovered that you have a food allergy, you tend to be more careful when eating.

The most common symptoms that these cause are: itching, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling and breathing problems. These symptoms can be more or less risky depending on the age of the affected person, and how quickly it is treated.

Cats and dogs

These two animals are very often unconscious causes of allergies, due to the dander that is found in the hair that comes off them.

The problem is generated by the sensitivity to the particles of that dead skin, which results in rhinitis.

Those who suffer from this type of allergy should avoid contact with these animals as much as possible, although its effect is not so dangerous, it is very uncomfortable.


This is due to the reaction caused by the proteins of the tree from which the latex is extracted. And this material, despite not being applied to too many products, is found in some very personal ones, such as mattresses, gloves and condoms.

Their reaction is usually not severe, but it does cause itching, redness, and a rash. It should be taken with care, since there are cases where it has caused suffocation.

Strange allergies: These are the ones that not all of us know

We have already seen some of the most common, now I present to you 4 of the strangest allergies, which you never thought existed.

1. Allergy to water

It is scientifically known as aquagenic urticaria, and is produced by being in contact with water, regardless of whether it is hot or cold. The most common reactions of this condition are redness, spots on the skin, itching and burning.

This type of allergy is quite rare and uncomfortable, due to the need for water to maintain hygiene. She faces treatments that involve histamines, oils and other products to treat her.

2. Sports allergy

As ridiculous as it sounds; and that is perhaps a very good excuse for the sedentary, this allergy is very real. It is caused by exposure to activities that involve physical effort, such as training, or playing sports.

This can cause hives, itching, welts on the skin, excess heat, and even fainting. It is a rather strange type of allergy, which can affect young people and adults.

3. Allergy to cold

The cold can cause allergic reactions in the skin of some people, after being exposed to low temperatures.

Welts, hives, swelling and other different symptoms usually occur, depending on the person who suffers from it.

4. Allergy to pressure

This type of allergy is usually generated by the friction between some parts of the body and the clothes that are used very tight. It results in the appearance of swelling, hives, itching and spots.

Allergies are not an issue to be taken lightly. Whether they are common or strange, we must be very attentive to the elements that can cause them, so as not to leave our health and life to chance.


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