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The best chocolate Neapolitans for a snack

Napolitans Chocolates

Chocolate napolitanas are a delicious type of snack or dessert characterized by its soft and fluffy biscuit, with a chocolatey filling.

Next, we will explain how to make it easily and in a short time.

Ingredients of the chocolate Neapolitan

  • 500 grams of strength flour (between 11 — 12% protein).

  • 210 milliliters of cold water.

  • 50 grams of liquid cream for cooking.

  • 1 medium egg yolk.

  • 60 grams of sugar.

  • 12 grams of salt.

  • 18 grams of fresh yeast or 6 grams of dry.

  • 250 grams of unsalted butter with MG min 82%.

  • 90 to 180 grams of chocolate, chocolate noodles (optional).

  • 1 egg to paint

Steps for the elaboration of the chocolate Neapolitan

Preparation of the dough

  1. In a container place the yeast. You can use both fresh and dry. Make sure the yeast is not expired. Then add the water. Take into account that the water must be cold.

  2. Add the liquid cream, the yolk and stir very well.

  3. Sift the flour, add the salt and sugar and stir until you can no longer see the flour particles.

  4. Close the container and leave the dough to rest for about 20 minutes, so that the flour particles are properly moistened.

Preparation of the dough


  1. Pour the dough out onto the clean, dry table. Knead it until it becomes smooth and elastic. It can take approximately 11 minutes to knead the dough.

  2. Brush the bowl with a small amount of oil and place the dough inside. Close the container and store the dough in the fridge for 12-14 hours.

  3. Take a piece of parchment paper and fold it into a 7 to 7-inch square.

  4. Unfold the paper and place in the center 250 grams of butter in pieces. Fold the paper again.

  5. With the help of a rolling pin, distribute the butter inside the square. Reserve the square of butter.

  6. Take the dough out of the fridge and put it on the table. With your hands, deflate it or knead it.

  7. Sprinkle the dough with flour and with the help of a rolling pin, roll it out into a rectangle the size of 2 butter squares.

  8. Place on a tray dusted with flour. Cover it, so it does not dry out with a slightly damp cloth and put it in a bag.

  9. Store the dough in the freezer for about 25 to 35 minutes. Keep butter in the fridge. Remember that the dough has to be very cold, and the butter has to be cold but at the same time flexible, not hardened.


Preparation of the dough

  1. Pack the butter into the batter. That is, place the butter inside the dough and close the dough, so that it looks like a container bag.

  2. If the butter is hardened, when making the laminate it will split and the laminate will not fit well. If, on the other hand, it is too soft, and the dough is not cold enough, the butter will be absorbed by the dough and goodbye to the flaky crumb.

  3. Lay the dough so that the side seams are at the top and bottom. Roll out the dough into a rectangle 6 to 8 millimeters thick. Work carefully but quickly.

  4. Trim the ends so that no layer of butter is missing anywhere in the dough. Fold the dough in three and store in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes.

  5. Turn it to 90º C and place it seam side down. Stretch it back into a rectangle 6 to 8 mm thick.

  6. Work carefully and as fast as you can. Cut back the ends where the butter has not reached.

  7. Fold the dough in three. Store in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes.

  8. Turn it 90 degrees and lay it seam side down. Stretch it back into a rectangle 6 to 8 millimeters thick.

  9. Store it in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes to relax, then continue stretching.

  10. Fold the dough in three. But, before stretching and cutting it, store it in the freezer for about 20 minutes, so that it cools down and relaxes.

  11. Keep the leftover dough in a bag and freeze it.

Stretching the dough

Assemble the chocolate Neapolitan

  1. Roll out the dough into a rectangle 30 centimeters wide and 45 to 50 centimeters long. It should be 4 to 5 millimeters thick.

  2. Cut it in two lengthwise, and then cut rectangles the size of your chocolate bars.

  3. Store them in the freezer for about 15 minutes to cool and relax.

  4. Take a rectangle, stretch it a little, place the chocolate and roll it up. Repeat the process until the dough and the chocolates are finished.

  5. Line the baking tray with parchment paper and place the napolitanas on the tray.

  6. Spray them with water and cover them with a piece of cling film, allowing them to rise almost doubling. The ideal rising temperature is 23 to 25º C.

Winding up of the Neapolitans

Neapolitan baking

  1. To bake them, thaw them in the fridge, then let them rise to room temperature and bake 20 minutes before the rise is finished.

  2. Turn the oven to 210º C with heat from above and below. In the bottom of the oven, place a tray to pour the water.

  3. Crack an egg and beat it, to paint the Neapolitan. It is very important that you do not paint the edges where the layers are visible. So that when baking they can be opened.

  4. Let them bake for about 2 hours and 10 minutes or until golden brown.

  5. Sprinkle with chocolate noodles when removing from the oven. Although, this is optional.

  6. Put them in the oven again. In the bottom tray add a little more than half a glass of boiling water. Bake the Neapolitans 25 to 27 minutes or until they are the way you like them.

  7. If your oven heats up more on one side than on the other, when it has taken color, turn them to 180º.

  8. Take the Neapolitans out of the oven. Put them on a wire rack to cool for at least 20 minutes.

Neapolitan baking

If you are at home, do not forget to make this easy and delicious recipe.

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