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Olympic Medalist receives as a prize a bad check from the Government of Baja California

The Olympic season has left us with many emotions and joys, since the athletes of each country have given the best of themselves in order to win the precious medals and leave their country in high.

AREMI sources, was one of the so many Olympic athletes who gave his country joy, more specifically to Mexico, since she won the bronze medal in Halterófila's discipline in the recent Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020.

However, the joy that not only invades her, but also a whole country, has been erased from his face thanks to a bad play to which he has been submitted. The athlete has recently denounced that the government of the State of Baja California gives an economic prize which was a check without funds.

At this date, they delivered a check with a value of 50,000 pesos, which are equivalent to some $2,500, which explains the Olympic athlete have not been reflected In your bank account. For this reason Arehemi says that said check was delivered, it does not exist, which is why she showed the discontent and disappointment of her. However, sources ensure that what bothers you more, is the fact of having become a picture of a campaign which was not entirely true, since it ensures that they used the image of an Olympic medalist receiving a prize that I never delivered.

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Medal Design

It also ensures that within the vicinity, they have ensured that it is not a basin check, but it does not exist, a situation that puts it even more furious. The athlete affirmed for different digital and international media on Monday through a press conference, which considers this as a lack of colossal respect, which not only leaves in bad terms to said administration, but It also places it in a complicated and painful situation, since it has had to denounce this publicly.

Likewise, the athlete explained that other Olympic medalists, who participated in the Olympics of Tokyo 2020, that their governments provided different economic aids which were around $7,500, which was much more than a Salary of 1,000 dollars per month. However, the athlete affirmed feel disillusioned, as she claimed to be earning around 3,000 monthly pesos, which equals 150 dollars and additionally, 3,500 pesos, equivalent to $175, which would be a feeding bonus.

What was the response of the authorities?

For his part, he met the governor of Baja California, Jaime Bonilla Valdez, assumed responsibility for this error and affirmed that the complaint of the athlete was true, since the same authorities were owed to the champion 50,000 pesos, however, Bonilla affirms that the accusation about the check without funds was false. Likewise, the director of the State Institute and Physical Culture of the State, named David González Camacho, noted that during a meeting in conjunction with the Governor, I assure you that the prize was given to the champions Fractionated, since you will first deliver 24,000 pesos, which is expected to become effective immediately. While the second part of the prize would be symbolic, but that it can be exchanged. However, official authorities assured that halterophilia, has not requested the Institute of Sport its prize, which is why the delivery of it is delaying.

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Licenciada en psicología, mención clínica. Amante de la vida saludable, viviendo en el aquí y el ahora.

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