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He killed his friend in an argument over mayonnaise.

Kristofer Erlbacher hit his friend Caleb Solberg three times with his truck in a small Iowa county, after an argument in a bar that would have started as a joke.

Kristofer Erlbach

In the United States, in Iowa, a man was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his best friend for an argument that started over a joke with mayonnaise.

Erlbacher, 29, killed his friend Caleb by using his truck to ram him three times outside a bar in Pisgah, Iowa on December 17 of last year.

According to information from the local police, after running over him the first time he withdrew, but a few minutes later he returned to ram him a couple more times.

At the bar, the friends were drinking alcohol with another individual earlier that night in Iowa, but things got out of hand when Kristofer put mayonnaise on Solberg's food.

This would have enraged the victim, which would cause a fight in the nightclub, according to local media reports.

According to the media, a furious Erlbacher would have called Solberg's half-brother, Craig Pryor, to threaten to burn down his house and shoot him.

Craig later arrived at the Pisgah bar, where another fight was taking place. As Erlbacher left, he collided with Pryor's truck and then rammed Solberg.

District Judge Greg Steensland wrote in the verdict that Erlbacher's first blow to his friend did not take his life, as witnesses said he was heard calling for his brother.

Then, instead of fleeing the scene, Elbarcher returned to hit Solberg a second time. Later, to verify that he had murdered his friend, he drove his truck over the victim again.

Erlbacher would have left, but his vehicle would have broken down blocks later. In a phone call, he told Pryor that he had murdered his half brother.

Following a bench trial, Erlbacher was found guilty in December of last year and sentenced to life in prison on Monday.

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