Keratin treatment the new way to avoid the use of formaldehyde

In this new era of hair cosmetics there are many hair treatments and to keep it healthy is a difficult task to do, since certain care is needed that each type of hair really requires.
One of the hair products is Hydrolyzed Keratin, which is made to give shine, restore, hydrate and condition, since when it is fixed on the hair it acts as a protective layer.
The main composition of keratin is formaldehyde which helps a perfect straightening according to stylists, but it is important to bear in mind that this substance is considered harmful and that it can be toxic to health, for this reason we must know and inform ourselves about the subject at the time of performing this treatment.
Side effects of keratin with formaldehyde or formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is considered an organic chemical, which turns into gas or vapor easily when exposed to high temperatures, for this reason when in contact with large amounts of this chemical can suffer serious breathing difficulties, as well as allergic reactions.
For the use of formaldehyde in low concentration it can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and skin, for this reason in many parts of the world this chemical is prohibited in concentrations not greater than 0.2%.
Its frequent use can be dangerous and when a professional uses this keratin with formaldehyde they must have the knowledge as well as the uses and expose each person to the side effects that it can cause.
Rapid action of formalin on the hair
This chemical acts quickly which forms a waterproof layer on the hair and gives it a plasticizing effect that, due to the high temperatures, spreads in all the hair strands, and it can be observed that it produces a perfect straight.
It is important that you identify the toxic components that damage the hair and that when deciding which treatment you want to use and that you prefer to perform the treatment without any side effect, because not all people are able to know what the product contains, especially if it is not used by a professional.
Chemicals that can damage your hair
The products that can most damage the hair are: Formaldehyde, glycolic acid, ammonium and glutaraldehyde, although we know that these are harmful, it is important that you analyze the possibility of using keratin without formaldehyde, since it is a safer product for the hair health and wellness.
With the passage of time, cosmetology will eliminate certain chemicals that achieve the perfect straight effect safely and without fearing side effects, for this reason it is recommended to use keratins without formaldehyde that already exist in the professional hairdressing market.
Benefits of keratin without formaldehyde
Cosmetology has different products, so you can choose the best option for you and the one that you can choose without formaldehyde or with formaldehyde.
It does not have carcinogenic effects we can avoid these side effects that formaldehyde produces in the body in the short and long term, with this a perfect smooth is achieved depending on the type of hair and thus give it shine.
With this we can say that keratin without formaldehyde is much healthier for your hair, it does not directly affect the scalp and mainly affects hair health as little as possible.
Recommendations for the use of 100% formaldehyde-free keratin
As you must first give priority to what is best for your health, for this you must take into account using products that are not harmful, but that achieve the desired effect and thus take care of your well-being, both yours and your hair.
The advice of a professional stylist who is trusted is important so that you are sure with the product you are going to use, for this reason you need this information, because you will not always have the best results, so do not hesitate to make the best effort and care for your hair to make it look natural, nourished and straight.