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Crypto scammer will trick you into investing with them, they will claim to be legitimate and turn you to create an account with their website. Gradually as your investment profit increases, they'll keep on upgrading their rules and regulations, include withdrawal taxes and other charges. Once you pay for this so called taxes and withdrawal fees, it keeps on increasing and they'll bring another complain or tricks to extort more money from you. This is a red flag once you start getting such information or complains. Most of these scammers are from overseas and work extremely hard to con people. They mostly use WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook and other chat applications to start a solid conversation with victims. Although these Apps are also used by legitimate businesses, scammers are more likely to use them. Scammers will promise you high returns on investment just to convince you into investing with their fake platforms. As long as they can keep you within them, they'll continuously look for other ways to extort money from you. We have done researches and caught many scammers who provide us with some of these information. Our Main objective is to recover all your stolen cryptocurrencies from scammers, fake investment websites, hacked crypto accounts and other lost funds through crypto.

· 2 min read