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Brazilian artist Anitta brings out her new song "Envolver"

The famous singer of the urban genre Anitta recently returned to release a new song that has caused a great impact on all her followers, its premiere already has more than 1 million views on YouTube.

In her new song, the Brazilian demonstrates an anecdote about female cravings with provocative verses that focus on her conviction that women should communicate their thoughts openly.

To consolidate her worldwide success, Anitta, the symbol of Brazilian pop, launches “Envolver”, her new single in Spanish, which she defends with a very attractive video that has managed to attract everyone's attention, being one of the most promising and controversial songs from the “Downtawn” artist.

“Envolver” is one more success in a wide collection of installments such as “Me Gusta”, in which the famous Puerto Rican singer “Myke Towers” and the rapper “Cardi B” stand out; his well-known song Girl From Rio, and his latest installment Faking Love, along with rapper Saweetie.

Brazilian artist Anitta brings out her new song “Envolver”

Anitta conveys a message to all women

The famous theme of the Brazilian singer has given much to talk about in recent days, between the lyrics and the nature of the theme, the singer affirms that the objective was always to teach the girls that they should have freedom in their desires and should not feel bad for being seductive by nature that on the contrary is a virtue that they should enjoy and make the most of.

Heartwarming verses, a special moxy and the spectacular voice of the singer Anitta that mix with the famous touches of reggaeton to tell a story as usual. Definitely all the songs that the artist releases have a message and try to express something.

The video clip of "Envolver"

The Envolver video uses a representative dualism to describe the longings and feelings that Anitta uses in her latest single. On the one hand, the famous woman is in what is considered her "existence", where she is left alone contemplating the man with whom she is fixated.

In the "fantasy" situation, Anitta is seen performing an exotic sensual dance on the dance floor with the support of an artist as a representation of the relationship she might have with her ideal hero. Expressing in the best way the desire and illusion of the girls, which does not happen to be more than that.

This is one of the best video clips that the artist has implemented, with the best photographic shots, excellent performances and a choreography that manages to attract the attention of anyone, it also has a mixture of sensuality and abstract art.

In this video various shades and tones are shown throughout the creation. The video was created by Harold Jiménez, of 36 Degrees, and Anitta took over the direction of this varied media project.

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