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How to treat a minor burn at home?:

It is inevitable that at some point we will suffer from a minor burn while at home and we must act quickly. There are many home remedies known and spread over the years, but the truth is that not all of them are as profitable as they claim.

Burns at home can be due to different factors and should not be taken lightly. Here you will find some practical advice on how to act if an accident involving burns occurs, and how to treat it safely.

When to treat the burn at home?

When to treat the burn at home?

The action regarding the care of a burn will depend on the intensity and magnitude of the affected area. Burns are evaluated on a 3-level scale, and we mostly treat the ones in the top 2 at home.

To have an idea of how to recognize what type of burn it is, here you will see some characteristics of its classification:

  • First-degree burn: This is the one that only affects the outer area of the skin, causes mild pain, redness and in some cases swelling.

  • Second-degree burn: In this case, both the external and internal areas of the skin are damaged. The same symptoms are manifested as in the first degree, but blisters also appear and the burning is much more intense.

  • Third degree burn: Here the deep layers of the skin are affected, it turns a whitish color and with a burned appearance and the skin usually goes numb due to the damage caused to the nerves.

First aid for a burn is valid as long as the affected area is not highly sensitive, such as the face or genitals. And if the diameter of the affected area is quite large, it is also best to see a doctor immediately.

If, on the other hand, it is a mild accident in common areas, such as the hands, here you will learn what you can do.

What do I do if I have a burn?

What do I do if I burn?

It doesn't matter if the burn was from boiling water, oil, steam, or holding a hot tray, the procedure to follow is the same. Whether you apply it for yourself or to help someone else, what you must do is this:

you must be calm

It is not easy to do when the pain affects you, but despair will help you much less and clouds your judgment.

Take a deep breath, do not touch the affected area, get away from what caused the accident and if someone is with you, ask them to put out the fire for safety.

refreshes the skin

You must make the affected area cool to relieve the burning, for this use cold or natural water on the burn. You can place the area of damage under a stream of water in the shower, the sink or submerge it in a container of cold water.

It is much better if it is refreshed with water that has a flow, but if you do not have it, you can also moisten clean cloths with cold water and place them on the burn. This process should take between 5 to 15 minutes depending on how you cool the skin.

Clean the affected area

After the pain has subsided, examine the burn and verify that it is something minor. If so, clean the surface with soap and water, then dry it gently with clean cloths.

If you have blisters do not pop them as this could be harmful. When blisters burst, the inner skin area is left exposed and unprotected, making it easier to become contaminated or infected.

cover the burn

With a gauze, cover the entire area that is sensitive from the burn, this way you will avoid mistreating yourself or getting infected. You can use a cream or ointment that does not have a lotion, aloe vera is very useful to treat this type of accident.

If necessary, you can take an analgesic to help calm the pain, it can be any of the best known over-the-counter drugs such as Ibuprofen or paracetamol. This as long as they are not prohibited by any pathology.

In the following days

It is normal to experience sensitivity or itching for several days, it is also possible that the skin changes color slightly.

Avoid scratching or it may worsen your condition while it heals, keep the burn ventilated and clean the area daily.

Myths: Home remedies that should not be applied

Myths: Home remedies that should not be applied for burns

You have probably heard of many suggestions to treat a burn and most of these tips come from people with years in the kitchen. But that does not mean that they really work, be careful and if an accident happens to you, do not use the following :


A very famous solution, but very false, there is no medical study that confirms the idea that toothpaste helps relieve the burn. Many think so because of its menthol components, but this is far from reality.

On the contrary, what it can do is favor the burn to become infected or worsen its condition if an allergic reaction is created.

butter or oil

The effective application of any of these products is totally false, neither of them has components that help the state of the burn. One reaction they do have is that they help conserve heat, which actually makes the burn worse.

When we talk about oil we refer to any of its presentations, no matter if it is coconut, olive or lavender, no positive effects have been found with them for this type of problem.


To treat the burn, cold water is recommended, but not ice, since this can damage the skin tissue, which is already sensitive.

On the other hand, continuous exposure to ice can also cause a burn, aggravating the situation.


Many tout that egg whites are a very useful tool to treat burns, but it is totally wrong. These are a product that could cause a serious bacterial infection or even an allergic reaction when used.

Accidents happen when you least expect it, but with a little knowledge and precaution we can deal with it. Do not forget each of these tips so that when you need them they will be of great help and you will successfully control the situation.


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