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Five benefits of broccoli that you should take into account

One of the many benefits of broccoli is cancer prevention.

Broccoli is known as that vegetable that little ones dislike, but this concept is what social networks have sold us, that is why today we will talk about the benefits of broccoli and we will see that, today, the consumption of this vegetable It is more than widespread and there are many children who enjoy this delicious enveloping flavor.

It has high levels of iron and vitamin C, in addition, some studies have concluded that it is one of the vegetables that can prevent cancer, although it is not fully proven.

This is because it contains sulforaphane, a compound with great antimicrobial and anticancer properties. These, then, are the benefits of broccoli :

prevents cancer

This vegetable, as mentioned above, is used to prevent cancer in the body, since certain studies have concluded that it provides chemoprotection, that is, protection against the effect of chemicals that cause this disease.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that broccoli, due to its high content of glucosinolates, strengthens the immune system so that it can eliminate cancer cells. In the same order of ideas, it balances estrogen levels in the blood, which specifically prevents breast cancer.

In the same way, it inhibits the expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are genes that cause breast and prostate cancer, respectively. By the way, it has been shown that women who consume this vegetable once a week reduce the risk of breast cancer by 17%, what do you think of these properties?

Take care of your immune system

We have been witnessing a terrible virus for two years, called Covid-19, which attacks our immune system and develops differently in each body. Because of this, you should incorporate a vegetable like broccoli into your weekly diet.

One of the benefits of broccoli is that it contains a high percentage of vitamin C. With just 200 grams you take the equivalent of a three-day dose of vitamin C. This vitamin is characterized by taking care of your defenses, keeping them high so that when viruses and diseases arrive, they can fight it.

Improves intestinal transit

Another health benefit of broccoli is its high fiber content. Eating this type of vegetable and other foods that have this characteristic helps us, mainly, to improve intestinal transit.

Our digestive system is designed to absorb nutrients from the food we eat, after which, the waste becomes feces that must leave our body easily to avoid illness.

That is what intestinal transit is all about and broccoli helps us to have this improved aspect of our body, so that we can avoid suffering from diseases related to our digestive system and take care of ourselves, the best investment we can make.

counteract anemia

Broccoli, being a green vegetable, has the peculiarity of containing many portions of iron. Iron is a mineral that contributes to the oxygenation of the muscles and to transport the air from the lungs to all parts of the body.

Anemia is a disease that is reflected precisely in the lack of this mineral, so, consequently, eating broccoli is an excellent treatment if you suffer from this blood level breakdown.

Similarly, due to its high iron content, the benefits of broccoli for health extend during the pregnancy process. Women can include this vegetable in their diet and be sure that their baby will be born healthy due to all the nutrients it provides.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

This vegetable is excellent in all its splendor, in addition, it is very versatile, because with it you can build many recipes and not get bored along the way. You can eat it in salads, in the form of meat, in croquettes, in short, in whatever you want.

Broccoli also protects the body from cardiovascular diseases and it is not surprising. Being such a complete food, it fills you with nutrients, helps you improve your health in any area and, as a consequence, prevents diseases.

It is important to point out that it is a low-fat vegetable, that helps purify the arteries, not accumulate fat in the veins and, therefore, the heart is strengthened and this allows, in the long term, the diseases that can attack it to reduce its risk of appearance.

As you can see, we have given you a list of five benefits of broccoli for your health. A detailed and very complete list of everything that this unique vegetable can give you. We take the opportunity to encourage you to include it in your diet along with other green vegetables such as spinach.

Eat delicious foods that in the long term allow you to enjoy good health and, therefore, live a full life full of lots of energy.



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Padre, esposo, cristiano y periodista que lucha cada día por ser mejor y dejar un legado de bien.

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