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The story of the "Werewolf" of India

Lalit Patidar

Lalit Patidar was diagnosed with a condition at the age of two that has made her life difficult. In addition, he has had to go through very painful situations.

The young native of India is often the point of attention on the streets constantly. This is due to the strange disorder he suffers from, which fills his entire face with hair.

Currently, Lalit Patidar is 13 years old. In his childhood he was diagnosed with Congenital Hypertrichosis, better known as "The werewolf disease".

Medical personnel name this disease in this way, since body hair grows excessively in a certain area of the body.

Among all the physical disorders that exist in the world, this is considered one of the rarest and most shocking.

The young man lives in a small town in the state of Madhya Pradesh, along with his relatives. His own family has accompanied him in this process since, at the age of two, he began to grow excessive hair all over his face.

Seeing the shocking growth of hair on her face, her family made the decision to see a doctor. At that time they received the news of the rare disease.

From that moment, his family understood that this disorder had no cure. For this reason, they decided to give her all the support and gave her the necessary encouragement to move forward, overcoming discriminatory attacks from people who criticized her physical appearance.

Living with congenital hypertrichosis

In the midst of her growth, Lalit's appearance brought consequences both at her school and on the street. People walked away or made fun of him.

These attitudes made the young man feel very sad and rejected. Lalit has assured on different occasions that, being outside his town, people have come to call him "monkey".

However, many people over time, got used to seeing the young man's face covered with hair, accepting and supporting him as he is. For that reason, Lalit has now stated that he feels more comfortable going to his school.

Lalit's father has made sure for some years that the villagers and his family get used to seeing his son covered in hair.

However, strangers and other children are often scared when they see him for the first time.

Although his adaptation within society has been improving, he still suffers from some difficulties that often complicate his day to day life.

Lalit has some respiratory problems, because her abundant pubic hair covers her mouth and nose, so she must shave it frequently to uncover her nostrils.

Some doctors in the country have assured that there is no treatment for this "Werewolf" disorder. They indicate that the only thing the young man can do is constantly shave to avoid discomfort.

Aesthetic experts have recommended laser hair removal treatments, so that facial hair disappears with each session.

Doctors in the world have pointed out that hypertrichosis is hereditary. For this reason, Lalit's family has had more questions, since no relative has suffered from this disease.

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