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Easy hairstyles for girls

We show you some of the fastest and most beautiful hair arrangements for little princesses

How to make hairstyles for girls? We give you some tips for styling a girl in this article and show you the best easy hairstyles for girls.

To fix a girl's hair all you need is love and a little imagination. Finding the ideal hairstyle for the little ones is just a matter of experimenting with the hair.

The most common to decorate the hair of girls: they are bows or headbands, but we also think of garters or pigtails. Because they all look charming with easy hairstyles for girls.

If you don't think you can achieve any hairstyle, don't worry, we show you some of the easiest models that will put you into practice, to be the best stylist for your little girl!

The question of how to make hairstyles for girls will look solved

How to make hairstyles for girls?

Many ask this question with some fear or possibly from the beginning they classify making a hairstyle for a girl as something difficult.

It doesn't have to be difficult, but if you judge it and never try, you'll never really know.

The first thing you have to take into account so that the question of how to make easy hairstyles for girls does not destroy you, is to see your girl's hair: Is it tangled? Cleansed?

We leave you these little tips that will make combing one of the smallest in the house, a much more manageable activity:

Hairstyles with braids learning how to do easy hairstyles for girls

Tips to know how to comb girls

  • Never style hair fresh from the shower.

  • If the hair is very wet, dry it with a cotton towel or a shirt, and wait a few minutes until it is only slightly damp.

  • Untangle the hair and apply styling cream to make it easier to move the comb.

  • Ask the girl what she wants to wear today or make her choose the color of her accessories or headbands.

  • Play music or talk to her while you start styling. And that's it! It is not only the adornment in the hair, it is also the moment that should be important.

  • Have on hand the necessary implements that we will show you below:

Essential elements to comb a girl:

A comb of separate cells serves to detangle the girl's hair and how to make hairstyles for girls
Styling cream for girls helps detangle hair and control frizz in easy girls hairstyles
The closed cell comb is used to comb and shape the hair, so that unruly hair does not come out
Colored pigtails can never be missing in easy hairstyles for girls
Hair elastics to create easy hairstyles for girls

Easy hairstyles for girls

If this is your first time doing a girl's hair, we recommend this select group of pretty, simple and quick hairstyles. That can be used by the smallest of the house to go to school or go for a walk.

Ponytail is one of the must-have easy hairstyles for girls.

Ponytails are a must

This hairstyle will always be one of the simplest and most beautiful that we can find, it does not take much dexterity in the hands to do it.

All you need is a comb with closed or very close cells, and a thick rubber band that can hold the hair for a long time without breaking.

In hair you should hold it with your weak hand and the comb with your stronger hand. You should hold all of your hair up while the comb fixes any unruly hair.

In addition, the ponytail suits all hair types, so you can not stop doing it.

A hair braid with rubber bands and a high or ponytail in easy hairstyles for girls

If, on the other hand, you are looking for something that takes a little more skill, we show you this cute and pretty hairstyle for girls with hair ties.

It consists of separating the hair into triangular and square sections, and holding them with colored rubber bands. Your little girl will look like a princess!

This model should not strictly be, you can create this fabric with hair ties in your own way as you want.

Also, we remind you that you can vary the height of the ponytail, it can be high or low, as it best suits the occasion.

Pigtails, never go out of style in girls

Two pigtails always in an easy hairstyle for a girl

In this hairstyle it is necessary to make a withdrawal in the middle or part in the middle, which separates all the hair into two parts, as symmetrical as possible.

Like the retreat, you must choose how high and how far apart the two pigtails will be.

This will also depend on the type of hair the girl has, if it is curly, her best ally will be the two high pigtails.

Her hair will look so adorable as a pom pom or cotton candy. Also, you can try doing them in the middle, or leaving a part of the hair loose.

An easy hairstyle for girls, with two high ponytails for curly-haired girls

And if you are looking for something a little more ornate, we present this hairstyle with braids and hair ties finished with two high pigtails. A tenderness!

Hairstyle with braids and rubber bands finished in two pigtails is one of the easy hairstyles for girls

Crowns headbands with rubber bands and braids

Braid with colored rubber bands for girls for easy hairstyles for girls

A braid with the help of colored rubber bands is a good idea to collect and decorate a large part of a girl's hair.

Remember that the separations with a good comb or pencil are the ones that will help you make the hairstyle much easier and look beautiful.

A collected headband style with the help of colored rubber bands easy hairstyle for girls

Another option is an updo of braids with the help of rubber bands at the bottom, and leaving the back of the hair loose.

Ideal for any day when your girl wants to look like a princess or just try something different than usual.

Braid headband mode in easy girls hairstyles

This updo is one of the easiest to do, you just have to separate the lower part of the hair and weave from the tip of the ear to the other end.

Accessories for easy girls hairstyles

We remind you that we also have the simple option of going more for accessories, this if you still cannot achieve a hairstyle that you and the girl like.

Decorate and apply the icing on the cake with one of these cute accessories, which will also make an easy hairstyle for girls.

Double elastic bands with lilac flowers for an easy hairstyle for girls
Small thick pigtails with white dotted bows decoration for easy girls hairstyles
Bow appliques with diverse fabric for easy hairstyles for girls
Tiny appliques that serve as pretty appliques for easy girls hairstyles
Fun shaped appliques in easy girls hairstyles for easy girls hairstyles

As these there are infinities of sizes, shapes and colors, it is a sea of possibilities in accessories for girls.

Each and every one of these accessories for easy hairstyles for girls is very easy to put on and wear. Now you can go to put into practice what you learned in this article. We wish you a good children's styling date!

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19 años. Redactora y artista integral ✍✨

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