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Apple AirTag, Apple's new Bluetooth locator

Aren't you tired of always losing your things? Usually this happens with the small things that we use the most, such as keys. You arrive at your home, the guards and seconds later you do not know where they ended up, this type of problem is more common than it seems.

Apple thought about this problem and brought us the best solution, its new AirTag, a device capable of emitting its location. Are you interested in this locator for your things? Here we talk about it, its usefulness, operation and price.

How does Apple's AirTag work?

In simple terms, it emits a bluetooth signal that can be picked up by your Apple device for its location. It would only be enough to connect to the device and enter the “Find” application to view your AirTag on the GPS map.

Although it is recommended that the home has at least one device with an internet connection. In this way, the location of the bluetooth locator can be sent through trusted devices, no matter where you are.

I'm close to the AirTag but can't see it

The apple company thought of everything, it is clear that it is difficult to visualize the device within the range it has on the map. The solution was to integrate a speaker into the AirTag, which emits a sound that makes it easy to locate the device when we have it nearby.

In addition to this, you can play "Cold, warm and hot" from your iPhone, which will tell you the exact distance and direction where the locator is located. This application is only compatible with iPhones from model 11 onwards.

Do you use batteries? How long can it last?

The AirTag uses a battery similar to that of watches, anyone could change this battery in case it runs out of charge. The battery powers the device so that it emits its bluetooth signal all the time, in addition to its integrated speaker.

Due to the efficiency of the device, this small battery can last a whole year of continuous use. In case your charge is low, the AirTag will send the information to your iPhone, so it can be replaced before it is completely depleted.

Guaranteed security

Because this locator can connect to any Apple device, it is reasonable to think that your security may be in jeopardy. But it is the opposite, it is completely safe, thanks to the fact that your connection is encrypted, and it only broadcasts its own location to your personal devices.

If a stranger finds one of your trackers, it will use any Apple device to inform you of its whereabouts. You can also configure your AirTag to only provide your contact information in case of loss.

The person who finds your things will be able to use the NFC of their iPhone to obtain your information and contact you immediately. It is such an efficient and secure device that not even Apple can access your information.

Apple AirTag price

The price may vary depending on the country where you are, but in general AirTags have a cost of USD 29. You can buy it with some accessories for your keychain, which can increase its price, from about USD 19, to about USD 440 approximately.

You can also request that your device be personalized, put an emoji or your initials to give them a more personal touch.

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24 años. Redactora y escritora bilingüe Venezolana, con siete años de experiencia.

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