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Public Health Commission will consider reducing quarantine periods

Some cities request to shorten between 3 to 5 days of quarantine for positive cases of covid-19

This Tuesday in Spain, the Public Health Commission will meet to evaluate the request to reduce the periods of quarantine and isolation of positive cases of covid-19.

It should be noted that they are currently established for seven days, however, some sectors want them to be able to take from 3 to 5 days.

The scheduled time is for 4:00 p.m. where general directors of the entity of the Spanish Ministry of Health, and of the communities will consider the epidemiological situation, as well as the vaccination schedule for this year.

It should be noted that in Spain the isolation periods for asymptomatic cases and those with mild symptoms is seven days, and no tests should be required for reintegration into the work area, only for residential and health workers.

Places like Madrid, Galiza and Castilla-La Mancha join the request to reduce quarantines to less than seven days, while Catalonia considers that by April there should no longer be quarantines or tests for each case.

In the same way, they want to analyze patient data so that those who enter 'with' covid are not counted, but those who are hospitalized 'for' covid.

In this regard, the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, pointed out that it would be the technicians of the alert presentation who would make the proposal that would be taken to the Public Health Commission for its consideration.

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