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How to decorate a small apartment

Knowing how to decorate a small apartment is a great challenge. The color tones that the walls should have, choosing the indicated furniture and its distribution, are fundamental elements that must be considered, to get the most out of this space.

What to consider when decorating a small apartment?

Space lighting.

Every day more small apartments are found, this is due to the high demand of the population when they are concentrated in some cities.

The lack of space makes you limit yourself to choosing the accessories and furniture to decorate the apartment.

Small apartments are usually charming and very cozy, but in some cases, having too many things makes the space collapse. If you use the appropriate colors and the ideal furniture, everything will look spectacular.

We can show you countless ideas, and you must choose according to your budget and your tastes, only then can you live happily in a comfortable and pleasant space.

You can also look for experts in apartment decoration to give you good secrets and get the expected results.

Ideas on how to decorate your small apartment

  • Light colors on the curtains and walls: if you want your apartment to look more spacious, then you should place light colors on the curtains and walls. The color that works is white; this generates more amplitude, and is better if you use large mirrors.

  • Small furniture: it is convenient that you resort to small furniture and these must be modular. In this way, people will be able to walk freely throughout the small apartment.

  • Small lamps: it is convenient to use natural light. However, small pendant lamps must be used, reinforcing the light and thus the apartment will look larger.

  • Decorate the walls: you can transform the walls you can use decorative vinyl, adhesive sheets or wallpaper that help make different spaces.

  • The bedrooms : these may have a small auxiliary bed at night. With a single nightstand it will be fine, so that the room looks bigger .

    How to decorate small apartments and distribute the spaces.

Other tips for decorating your small apartment

  • Make some pots with old pans: if the apartment does not have enough space to place plants, it will be a good option to place these pots with pans on the wall.

  • Optical illusions: for wide spaces to be seen, it is important to create optical sensations. It is advisable to select narrow and long furniture.

  • Acrylic and glass objects: transparent materials allow light to pass through and they occupy little space. They are ideal for placing in small apartments.

  • Hidden spaces: try to take advantage of the spaces that are under or behind the sofa, the bed or the stairs. They are perfect for storing the clothes that you no longer use and the toys that your child does not use.

  • Place bunk beds: place bunk beds in a very practical way to save space. If you place one bed on top of the other, you will make the room look different and you will walk more freely.

  • Give it the best style: a small apartment should be given a different style, so everything will be seen as part of a single style.

  • Everything integrated: if you can place all the furniture and accessories in one place, it is better. So that there is more space.

Ideas for a better perception.

In the present it has become a trend to decorate small apartments. There are many options to generate pleasant spaces.

It may be that you are becoming independent or that you have this option when you enter university, you can make a unique site regardless of the limited space.

Of course, always thinking about the economy, we recommend you work with what you have at hand, remember that in the case of small apartments, less is more, so the fewer objects, the more space you can take advantage of.

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